The four troll dolls are miniature versions.

Their names are Ziggy, Birdirt, Longears, Burndoc.

Ziggy has purple hair, has a small hand twirled mullet.

Birdirt has pink and blue hair.

Longears has blue hair and his hands to his side.

Burndoc has brown hair.

These were left at Chili's on Virginia Beach Blvd.

If you cannot tell already, these are my child's friends... we returned to find them gone and followed up again with no sign on them.

Yes he(my child) was warned not to take them in, and no he did not listen. This is a shot in the dark but i had to take the chance because he has concocted a trollnapping story where they are not safe despite me insisting that someone thought they were left on purpose to find new friends which they did and live together on a desktop troll village.

If you found them, I would like to return them to him. If not, we need pictures of these trolls having the times of their life so he can put his spectrum mind at rest.

Thank you very much.