Upwork: the unofficial sub for Upwork clients and freelancers

r/Upwork73.2K subscribers17 active

We have been seeing a major rise in fraudolent attempts on Upwork, and many users come in this subreddit asking for advice after or in the process of being scammed. To try and stop this, this is a comprehensive, frequently updated guide to scams on Upwork, taken from user WordsbyWes on his post here  


Main RED FLAGS that should instantly help you to recognize a scam job


  • The client asks to chat with you outside of Upwork before starting a contract (recently the most common app is Telegram)

  • The client says that he's going to pay you with checks, this is a famous check fraud. The check will never actually deposit in your account. All payments should go through Upwork.

  • The client wants you to buy cryptocurrency of any kind, common reason would be it's illegal in their country. They are probably using stolen credit cards and you will get banned.

  • The client wants you to buy a premium ID card, this is of course a complete scam and all payments should go through Upwork.

  • The client wants you to buy "starting equipment" using their check, this again is a cheque scam.

  • As with cryptocurrency, the client may ask you to buy in-game currencies, gift cards, casino balance, and similar. They are laundering money from a stolen credit card and you WILL get banned for this.

  • In general, any situation that requires you to use your own money to help any client, or to buy anything beforehand, is a scam. Your bank account should only receive money on Upwork, leave it be. (There are a few expections and you are not one of them)


For a more complete guide, please refer to u/WordsbyWes post here. I urge all new freelancers to read the post completely to get an understanding of any scams you might encounter on Upwork and in your freelancing career.

This post is currently being updated, just the first try. Huge thanks again to u/WordsbyWes

Pinnedby leolego2ModeratorMOD
Hi, your Mod here, this is your thread where you can post suggestions and thoughts about this community and its future improvement.

As title. This won't be pinned for long cause the other two pins are more important.

There are rules for this post: please don't waste time discussing with each other, use the upvote or downvote function instead. These are just suggestions from the community directly so that I can judge them, not a place to discuss.

Also please do not name-call other users. That's just unproductive.


Pinnedby leolego2ModeratorMOD
Upcoming cost increases?

We use UpW a bit to hire and I’m trying to budget for the second half of year. My thought is they’ve increased fees so drastically recently that they won’t for a while, but I’m probably underestimating their hunger for more money. Anyone know of any new fees planned? I’m wondering if they’ll start charging to post job ads (I am aware they are charging higher contract start fee and new freelancers hit a paywall, but not sure I see everything).

Interview for Expert-vetted

I have interview scheduled for checking if I could be Expert-vetted. Strange thing is that I'm only Top Rated, not Top Rated Plus yet.

What can I expect in such an interview? I know they write in FAQ that they test technical and soft skills as well.

Could you give me some examples/situations which you went through during such an interview? Thank you.

How to get the first job at Upwork?

I am User Experience Jr and I have already had experience with extension projects in college. I have a good experience with Figma and product discovery. But so far I haven't got my first job at Upwork as a freelancer, does anyone have any tips to give me on how this market is and so on?

Ps: My profile is well structured with two projects in my portfolio, professional experiences and all complete but so far no proposal of mine has been accepted, I even put the value of the first job very low but even so far nothing

Contract started. Client wants me to email them a file.

I know it’s against TOS communicating outside of Upwork but apparently they can’t download the file they needed from me and asked me to email it to them.

UpWork Support Portal Awful | Numerous Issues with Account

I'm having a frustrating issue with UpWork Support and wondering if anyone has any advice or similar experiences. My bank account won't link because it's a business account in my business name (at least I assume this is why because my freelancer profile is just my name). I've spent hours trying to contact UpWork, but between their AWFUL chatbot experience, and their support page telling me I can't post in the "community" because my account is suspended. The idea of my account being suspended is news to me since I can still apply to jobs, message clients, and do everything else as a freelancer.

The support portal through the chatbot was the worst customer service experience I've ever had. I shouldn't have to go through so much just to talk to a real person. I went in circles for what felt like hours, just trying to get the bot to open a ticket for me, but would just keep outputting the same thing, over, and over again. This was the hardest I've ever had to work just to get in touch with someone, and it's ridiculous. Easily the worst customer experience I have ever had.

Any advice on how to get this resolved?

I got the Top Rated batch from Upwork.

I got the Top Rated batch from Upwork. Having a Top Rated with 100% Job Success batch is really great from a client point of view, It will create more trust in my profile.

In the way of Zero to One, I learned a lot of new things.

The one thing I really like about freelancing is I am doing everything on my own, this way I am always under the pressure to learn something new.

I like to help my clients make the right decisions with data. And always learning something new.


Abusive Upwork client has gone back on her word about compensating me for revisions

Maybe someone you remember me from my post a week ago. I was the guy who made the post about the abusive client who wanted to cancel my contract because I was not working on Sunday. She is paying a fixed rate.

I wanted to give an update. First of all these client is a freaking monster. I had spoken to her about her needing to compensate me for all the revisions. I said that she would. Once I completed the work (for the 8th time), I asked her to create a second milestone to compensate me for the revisions. I worked long enough with her to know she was lying about adding the compensation of the revisions as a bonus at the end of the fixed contract. She had the director ask me on whatsapp for a 9th revision. I explained to him that I simply will not be doing another revisions until I am paid and a milestone is created for the revision so I could be compensated.

I get on Upwork and I see she has sent me a scathing rant about me telling the director the reason I am not proceed with the revisions he asked me. She said I was not supposed to tell him about anything concerning compensation. I had no choice because I had to give him a reason. She said I broke the NDA I signed and that due to that she doesn't need to honor paying me any money 😂😂😂😂😂.

I swear small clients love thinking they on the level of big companies. I could tell her NDA was taken straight from the internet and it said nothing about me revealing compensation information, also not once did she ever mention to keep anything from her team. On top of that since I haven't gotten paid I see the NDA as void. The NDA mentions payment, however she hasn't paid me.

I delivered the final video to her, but I refuse to deliver the project files and all materials as I am using it as leverage to get compensation for the revisions.

I have reported her sheningans to Upwork. Upwork has offered to have a special mediator step in, however I fear not getting the full budget.

By the way, after she found out that I told the director about her no paying she was so furious that she said, we going back to the original agreement of the fixed price and she won't pay for any of the revisions. However I explained to her that the messages between us on Upwork where she agreed to the payment of revisions can also work as a mutual agreement.

The client is silent after I delivered only the video, however I am sure she is gonna make more stupid demands tomorrow on Monday. I am thinking of buying time for the 14 days since my last revision to pass so I get paid or I persuade her to close the contract so I can initiate a no pay dispute. I suspect these 2 options will work in my favour more than having upwork initiate a no pay dispute by force.

The client is incredibly abusive and I can see on her past history with other Upwork freelancers she didn't have a pleasant time with them. I am aware at this point she is the problem.

I would like to get everyone's opinions about the best option to go with?

Ultimately I love the work I have produced and it will definitely help me more in the long run. Until she pays, I can show the work to anyone as I please. The work I produced is more than the value of what she is paying.

A lot of the remote team has bailed on her because she is a problem.

Small clients like her think people will bend to her will. I want to have that fixed budget released by Upwork not just because I am owed compensation, but I want to piss her off even more. Small clients need to understand that freelancers are not slave.

She was clueless on what to do when I started to push back 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Man she gonna be pissed if I get paid the full amount and she doesn't get the project files. If she doesn't pay for my revisions, I will take the fixed budget as compensation for the video files and keeping of the projects files.

Girl gonna learn a lesson about not what happens when you don't honor your word 😁.

How'd you get your account unsuspended?

I'm new to Upwork and submitted my ID and photo to get my account verified and it flagged me as not being the same person. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I think it's because in my ID photo I had to take my glasses off but in the selfie I was wearing my glasses, which I typically wear constantly. How do you get your account unsuspended from there?

Question for the freelance devs on Upwork

What is the most used language (in your opinion and experience on upwork) on the site? I am a .Net/Angular dev, learning React right now and im finding it very easy because i already have experience with Angular.

I know a bit of wordpress and I’ve only done 3 wordpress projects on upwork, what languages are the most in demand on upwork? Can i find work to sustain a full time income one day with Angular/React and .Net? Should i learn php because of wordpress? Is that more in demand or something else? 🙂

Need help getting my first client on Upwork

I started on upwork a few months ago and I haven’t gotten any messages other than spam messages from clients. I haven’t even been able to land my first client. What are some of the things that I can do to help with that? I know it’s vague but I’m not sure on how I can be successful with Upwork and get clientele. Any advice or tips?

Need advice getting on clients on upwork

I am a student with a lot of student loans, and I just started out on upwork 3 months ago.I currently have 100% job success but the thing is I only have 3 long term clients and earn less than a 1000.I really need to increase my income to remain stable since I am paying off my debts.Any advices?

Landed my first gig - grateful and happy

Hi guys

A few days ago I posted a screenshot of how down I’m feeling about not getting any responses after dropping 30-40 proposals in the span of under 2 months. I’ve just landed my first gig about 3 days ago. Small gig under 50$. The thing that stood out was that my profile was good - I had presentable workings on it + my bid price was the lowest from all proposals the client received. Also to note very important - the client kinda sympathised with my profile because they were in the same boat as me looking for their first gig and review - however the quality of my profile and bid price is what attracted them. I’m feeling grateful and so happy as I was just on the brim of using all my connects up and leaving the platform for good. I guess patience is a virtue and good will come to those who are patient. Now I’m struggling with getting my account verified by Upwork 😂 one hell of a ride. Wishing all my fellow new upworkers that they also land a good first client and get their first review soon.

Can I help?

I have a friend of mine who has been new to Upwork for a year. He is a professional and distinguished person, but his chances of applying for jobs are bad because he is still new and has not received any rate yet, and therefore the job proposals he sends are not seen at all. Can I create an additional account as a client and create a job and invite him to do it and get his first job and give him a good payment of money and a good rating? Or will this harm my account and his?

Is it dangerous to use slack?

Could a client potentially dispute your work and claim you did not perform work as requested or something because it was not on the upwork chat? Has this ever happened to anyone?

I'm trying to spend $100 on connects and I can't contact support

I am genuinely worried about Upwork. After I buy the connects and get myself a project, I'll need to contact support for verification at a particular time because I'm in Australia.

I can't create a ticket at any cost, meanwhile, my friend can do it easily. He's also already verified his account and has never purchased anything.

I'm so pissed off about this, I've tried social media to contact them and they keep sending the link that still does not work.

I'm worried I'll not only spend money but my time on this just to get my account terminated at the end by not being able to contact support.

Upwork community marked my post as spam because I gave a solution like this to my own post



I filed a post on community.upwork.com complaining about the vague error message I received for my declined payments.


Before filing the post, I tried several approaches to troubleshoot the issue:

  • Contacted my bank, who confirmed they did not decline the payments.
  • Updated my payment methods to ensure the billing information matched my card and profile.
  • Tried using a debit card, credit card, and PayPal.
  • Tried with VPN enabled and disabled.

As you may know, Upwork does not have human customer service, and their chatbot is unhelpful. I found similar questions on the Upwork community forums and decided to file a post. What followed was a lengthy waiting game.

In the support ticket, I specifically requested them to improve the error message, making it more specific and providing troubleshooting guidance. This request was ignored. Instead, they offered a generic solution like "disable VPN, re-login,re-add payment methods." This response was in the support ticket, not visible to other community members, forcing future users with the same issue to endure the same frustrating process.

After all, I've lost all my patients, I posted my own solution (as above in the screenshot) to my post. And guess what? They marked it as spam.

Well done, Upwork. It's your platform, you can do what you want.