I signed up for a 50k and have been sticking to the plan. Until the last few weeks between traveling out of the country, home life, and my masters degree projects, training has been less of a priority than previously. I’ve been hitting about 1/2 of the weekly mileage. A “test” marathon was prescribed over the weekend and things went as expected up until my “half way/refuel station” at mile 15. I achieved a 9:30 to 10min/mile pace which is very normal for me. I changed socks, applied aquaphor to my feet, refilled my water and was out. Around mile 20, my legs were heavy and joints were feeling it. I was in the hurt locker. I did a fast walk/light jog getting about a 13min mile from mile 20-22. At mile 22, I started walking. The walking continued until 26.2 which was home for me.

I feel pretty defeated and upset with myself during this. I feel my nutrition was decent? Water in one flask, Gu Roctane in the other, Gu gels every 45min to hour. Maybe some real food would have been better? I just felt not in shape at all for this attempt. My 50k is in 6 weeks and I’m wondering how do I shift from focus training to prevent a DNF.