
Does anyone have any experience using the Nemo Switchback with just a top quilt? I'm normally a hammock camper but for my next trip, I'll be spending it on the ground as my campsite will have no tree access. My biggest concern is that with the Switchback's 20" width, my elbows will definitely be hanging off the sides. I know that a sleeping bag would definitely close off any drafts that may be caused by my overhanging limbs, but I enjoy using my quilt (~55" wide; REI Magma 30) and was wondering if it's a bad idea to take it along for this trip.

Trip details: Elevation 1,000ft; coastal weather; high 65F, low 45F

I already own the Switchback (given as a gift) so the biggest question is if I should purchase a sleeping bag to go with it.

Thanks for your time and help!