UI Design

r/UI_Design176.9K subscribers9 active
Getting started in UI Design - Career QuestionsCareers & Getting Started

Welcome to the dedicated UI Design thread for getting started in UI Design.

This monthly thread is for our community to discuss all areas of career and employment including questions around courses, qualifications, resources and employment in UI/UX and Product Design. This also includes questions about getting started in the industry.

This thread is open for new and experienced UI Designers. Everyone is welcome to post here.

Example topics open for discussion:

  • Changing careers to UI/UX/Product Design.
  • Course/Degree recommendations and questions.
  • Appropriate qualifications for UI/UX/Product Design.
  • Job, roles and employment-related questions.
  • Industry-specific questions like AR/VR, Game UI Design, programming etc.
  • Early career questions.

Before posting a question:

  • Check the UI Design wiki first to see if your question has already been addressed before
  • Use the search bar feature to check previous posts to the sub. There's a good chance it's been asked before.
  • No self-promotion including for a hire as per Reddit and our sub-rules.
  • No jobs or surveys. Please check the sidebar for links to the appropriate subreddits.
  • Downvoting is not a way to interact with our sub. We encourage engaging in respectful discussion.
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Portfolio Review RequestsPortfolio Reviews

Welcome to the dedicated UI Design portfolio review thread.

This thread is open for new and experienced UI/UX/Product Designers. Everyone is welcome to post their portfolio here. This is not a place for agencies, businesses and other type of self-promotional posts.

Be sure to include a link to your portfolio. Do not link to individual Dribble/Instagram Posts.

When providing feedback:

  • Constructive criticism is encouraged and hate is not tolerated.
  • Give feedback based on industry best practices.
  • Give your criticism in a kind and constructive way and try to include helpful tips on how you see best to improve.


  • Downvoting is not a way to interact with our sub. We encourage engaging in respectful discussion.
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True review about Paux Academy (ui ux design bootcamp) Microinteraction

I was a student of Paux academy by abhishek Kashid. And it's a waste of time money n resources.

Fees: 40k INR Time given by "mentor": depends upon his mood

Pros: 1. Half fees in comparison to other bootcamps 2. No spoon feeding

Cons: 1. No fixed class. Nothing is taught. No fundamentals, no principles, just copy paste without logic. 2. You can't go out. The man will text you anytime and expect you to join the "class". 3. Only focuses on his marketing than what's actually beneficial for you.

The whole concept of the bootcamp: e shares 2 apps, you mix the 2 apps and make a third.

There you go. Saved 40k.

Please don't join the bootcamp unless you don't want to learn anything practical.

Why redesign an app?General Help Request (Not feedback)

Does it make sense to redesign an app just for aesthetic concerns?

I feel like a lot of projects here and there suggest so.

Will layers.to replace Dribbble?General UI/UX Design Related Discussion

Some of my designer friends sent me this website https://layers.to/ which is really similar to Dribbble. I wonder if it is worth having an account on two similar platforms? or maybe Layers will replace Dribbble in the future? I wonder what is your opinion on that.

Name of modular windows like in visual studio, photoshop, krita, unity, etc?General Help Request (Not feedback)

how are they called (the drag and drop style windows)

i've been searching for a good while. the only thing i found is that they are called overlays in gtk.

and is there any support in the win32 api or a com interface?


CTA buttonUI/UX Design Feedback Request

I am designing a website for a CRM software company and need your help choosing a accent color, I used 60:30:10 rule for color but the client won't approve the one I chose. They want something subtle yet contrasting. do let me know if anyone has any suggestions, adding the color I proposed to them. The logo color is Blue: hex #063970


The one I presented

Upvoting UI - alternativeGeneral UI/UX Design Question


I am playing around with creating a custom voting system.
This is for a prototype where users can up/down vote a product.
The overall use case of the project is to save cash on deals.
That where the piggy bank comes in place.


If you press like the coin will animate in the piggy bank.
If you press dislike the coin will drop out of the piggy bank.

Do you like this set up liking system?

Requestiong a UI critique & feedback - Leisure app for seniors - We have tested the UX & concept for 1.5 years; seen positive signs/usage. Now we are upgrading the visual design to make it look more professional & impactful. I have no background in design/art/figma, and am a bit stuck now.UI/UX Design Feedback Request

I am known to have a questionable taste in colours - so looking for feedback on this colour palette.
The goal of the app is to provide a scroll based interface for seniors who underutilize their smartphones - if through one app/one UX I can provide multiple features, we can get them to use many leisure/entertaining features that can help them better spend their time.
We have understood boredom among seniors stems from the lack of core necessary feelings that all humans require - anticipation (something to look forward to everyday), achievment (small wins in life), sense of purpose (knowing you add value to the world), & feeling heard.
So all are features are designed to evoke these feelings to address their boredom from its roots. Now we are trying to use the visual design to emphasize these same feelings.

Any feedback and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I like the concept, but have no idea what to do next to make it more finished, coherant & complete. Some things look like they're hanging in space. Not sure if the button color is okay (i need it to be very obviously visible and clear that its a button - for old people to realize). No icon design. Less information overload.



Feedback for an online murder mystery game mobile web appUI/UX Design Feedback Request

Hi all, I don't have much UI/UX design experience and just picked up Figma a few days ago. Hoping to get some early feedback on a personal project of mine. It's a murder mystery multiplayer game served through a web app. I've optimized for large android, not sure if that was the correct choice. The target audience is essentially anyone interested in social deception-type games, escape room lovers, puzzle solvers, etc. who are generally in the gen z/y population.

The story is pre-selected in this prototype (not finished, just there as an example). There were some shortcuts I took (i.e. the clue reveal functions are not dynamic as they should be, there is no screen after ending the game, etc.) as it's still a WIP. Hopefully you'll be able to navigate it despite its incompleteness.

Any feedback would be great, especially in terms of usability. Is it intuitive? Are there buggy interactions? Is the colour scheme appealing, etc. Thank you!


Looking for feedback/ideas to fill whitespaceUI/UX Design Feedback Request


I am launching a shirt site that focuses on witty and funny, hidden humor type shirts. I have little design experience but can make my way around given enough time.

Anyway, I have this landing page and I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas that would increase its visual appeal. I'm wondering if splashes of color could be a good idea like with udemy's homepage. They have triangles of one color going from one corner to another and they are simple yet add a nice touch.

I'm looking for any feedback, possible suggestions would be great!

The images as of now rotate and show different images of models with the shrits


Price list landing page design for 250 line itemsGeneral UI/UX Design Question

Hi, I'm making a price list for a website of a health clinic using WP + Elementor.

The price list contains 250 line items )services) in 60 categories.
Does anyone have an idea how to make the user find the price of the desired service as quickly as possible? Just listing them looks like a mess and I don't think non tech-savvy people know how to use search function of their browser.

I was thinking something like ajax search bar at the top that would show matching results as they type? Any examples would be appreciated!

Example of 2 (out of 60) categories and the services within each:
category: Surgical removal of skin growths

Examination before removal of a mole, growth, wart or fibroid €XX

Minor surgery €XX

Medium surgical intervention €XX

Major surgery €XX

Surgical excision 1 tags €XX

Surgical excision of 2 tags €XX

Surgical excision of 3 tags €XX

Surgical removal of any further tags €XX

Histopathological examination of the excised tissue from €XX

category: Non-surgical eemoval of skin growths

Examination before removal of a mole, growth, wart or fibroid €XX

Removal of up to 3 skin growths with radiofrequency or cryotherapy (surcharge for examination) €XX

Removal of 4 to 10 skin growths with radiofrequency or cryotherapy (surcharge for examination) €XX

Removal of 11 to 20 skin growths with radiofrequency or cryotherapy (surcharge for examination) €XX

Removal of 21 to 30 skin growths with radiofrequency or cryotherapy (surcharge for examination) €XX

Looking for Feedback on My Reporting List UIUI/UX Design Feedback Request

Hey everyone,

I’m working on improving the UI for a reporting list that categorizes stores as either active or inactive.


Current Features:

  • Active Stores and Inactive Stores: Segregated into two columns.
  • Store Information: Each store shows "Days Missing (Total)" and "Days Missing (Selected Period)".

I’m looking for suggestions and recommendations on how to make this UI more user-friendly and visually appealing.

I’m open to all kinds of suggestion!

UI design repository specifically for AI?General Help Request (Not feedback)

Hi guys! A couple of days ago I stumbled across a UI design online repository which showcased designs for those apps and websites which have AI incorporated in some form. Now, for the life of me, I cannot remember the name of that repository. If you know, please share, it would be very helpful.

Help Needed with Two Different Backoffice OptionsUI/UX Design Feedback Request

I need to design a backoffice for a business. Which one do you think is better: Option 1 with the CTA below and an elongated screen, or Option 2?


Known app where button pushes the other oneGeneral UI/UX Design Question


Do you know an existing public app that implements the same kind of UI behavior: where the clicked button pushes the other one to take its place.

My manager wanna know if users are used to this kind of behavior by some other known app before allowing to ship it.

By the way, what do you think about this behavior guys? Is it intuitive and understandable? Is it cool or frustrating?

I designed the task page for my college project. How is it?UI/UX Design Feedback Request


This is my first design project. The project my team took up was to revamp our university LMS. Wherein all the tasks and events like seminars and fests would be automatically synced to your account. This is the task page. You can also add your own tasks and events. I need to design the calendar page next.

How is this looking and what more can i add?

How to manage a clean UX design on a grid on a mobile app?General UI/UX Design Question

This has been a pet peeve of mine is to have a grid on a mobile app. IMO the layout for a grid is for a desktop experience. I find the more columns degrades the user experience as scrolling left and right on a mobile device sucks.

Take a look at this example of syncfusion and their component on a mobile screen. It looks awful

So lets say that I need to display data on a set of employees. (7 columns)

Employee Photo, Full Name, Email, PhoneNumber, Position Title, Last Clock In Date, Action Column (Edit, Delete) in the main grid row.

Then (here is the kicker), For each user there needs to be a child grid that displays all of their recent activity

This information is (5 columns)
Clock In Time

ClockOut Time
Which work site location they clocked into
Which department they worked in for that day
The date they clocked in

How on earth can I show all of this information in a clean design sort of way on a mobile app?
Is there any sort of inspiration at all for a sleek, clean layout for a master parent grid and a child grid on the internet that you have come across?

Please help me. Thank you

Forms 101Product Design Question

If there’s a long list of items to choose from, it’s good UX to list them out in alphabetical order because it’s easier to locate things

It reduces cognitive load and makes the information more accessible.

I saw a long list in a form that was randomly arranged and boy, the mental gymnastics that happened in my head

Improving the appearance of statistics frames in my data reduction software (Python, custom/themed tkinter) UI/UX Design Feedback Request

I am building mass spec data reduction software in Python for a niche scientific instrument, and could use some advice on how to make my statistics look less amateurish. The target audience is mostly research scientists and graduate students.

First, I am using customtkinter/themed tkinter over standard tkinter as much as possible, which has significantly improved the looks of the software, however, the statistics panel is still something I'm struggling with.

I might want to migrate to PySide6 in the future, but for now, I'd really prefer to stick with ctk/ttk. Maybe this is the sunk cost fallacy, but I want to get my software working fully before breaking and rebuilding the GUI and I'm just getting the hang of ttk/ctk.

There are two statistics panels in the software, both on the left-hand side above the buttons:

raw data GUI

The above GUI shows the raw data for each analysis. The user can click on any datum to remove it as an outlier, and the statistics frame will automatically update. The colors of the data here have to match the colors in our mass spec interface software and can't be changed. The user can also click on any analysis in the right-hand list and view it directly, rather than using the Next/Previous buttons underneath the stats frame. The checkmark in the list next to each analysis name indicates that the analysis has been viewed and reduced, so analyses that haven't been viewed/reduced will appear with an empty checkbox.

quality control GUI

The above GUI shows all analyses in the sequence. The plots are a bit of a clusterfuck, but this intended for outlier identification and removal, so a clusterfuck is actually a good thing here. Like the previous plots, the user can click on a line to identify the analysis as an outlier and remove it from further calculations. The user can also hover their mouse over any given line to see the label/name given to the analysis. Lastly, the user has a button above the lower right hand plot to toggle between viewing 2 amu (hydrogen) and 40 amu (argon), both equally useless in 95% of scenarios. Note that the height of the statistics frame in this GUI is dynamic and based on the analysis types present, so I can't align it with the top of the buttons like with the previous stats frame. The colors here are flexible, unlike the previous plot.

Sequence selector GUI

The above GUI has no stats frame, but I'm throwing it in as a bonus in case people have any suggestions to make it look better.

I'm honestly pretty happy with most of the way the software looks, but like I said, I've been struggling with how to make the statistics frames look more professional. I'd be happy to take any general advice that anyone has, though!