Me and my sister had something super not fun happen to us just a couple hours ago. I’m still kinda paranoid ngl.

My sister(F27) was driving me(F21) home after hanging out all day and going to the movies. I live out in the country so it’s about a 30 minute drive from the edge of town. We’re having a good time, windows rolled down and singing to some Britney Spears. We notice that the car behind us has been going the same way as us for quite a bit because they have absolutely blinding headlights.

We slow down and move over towards the shoulder so they can pass us. They also slow down and keep behind us. I start feeling nervous when they won’t go around us when we try to get them to pass. We thought about pulling off the road but there wasn’t really anywhere we could.

When we go through intersections, they slow down and copy our turn signal after we put it on and then blow through the light before it turns red. The same thing happens at the multiple four way stops it takes to get to my neighborhood. We have turned our music off at this point because the vibe was killed, we were almost certain we were being followed. The road before we turn off has a pretty high speed limit, so we turn on our turn signal as late as possible before turning. This person had to slam on their brakes so fast to turn that the car behind them had to go around to not crash.

So we get onto our road, which is a really big circle, we make a different turn and go around the circle backwards to how we usually get to my house. They are still behind us and copy our turn. We get about 5 minutes into the circle, about halfway through the neighborhood and my finger was hovering over the call button for my stepdad, who is at the house. The car turns off into a random driveway, but not all the way up to the house at the end. We keep driving and finish the loop at my house once we are absolutely positive we are no longer being followed.

We hung out for an hour or so and then my sister drove back to her house. I get a call when she gets back home, she saw the exact same vehicle with the same bright ass head lights, waiting on the grass off the side of the road kinda near a gas station, facing the direction of the oncoming traffic. They probably saw and heard us as we drove past because we had the windows down at the intersection.

TLDR: Followed for 40 minutes from town to the countryside and lost them. My sister was driving back after hanging out and saw them lurking by the road and watching oncoming traffic.