I was walking home from the train as I always do. I cut through the back of a surgical center to save time so the surgical center is on my left hand side and there are some lower end apartments on the right hand side of me. I'm doing shit on my phone while I'm walking and a man, probably in his late 20s early 30s passes me singing a song and I don't think anything of it. I don't even look up from my phone infact, but I am aware of him. Continuing my walk home I walk up this grassy hill. That's when I hear footsteps that sound like running coming from behind me. They are getting close fast so I turn and look and that man I passed by was running toward me as fast as he can. When he is about 50 ft from me he hurls a drink bottle at me but I easily side step my way out of its trajectory. It hits the parking lot ahead of me and shatters. It was glass and full of liquid. Luckily when he sees that I'm not scared by this he turns and walks away but not before flinching at me like he's going to come at me again. I just took a photo of him went home, but now that I am here I'm shaking like crazy and can't believe that just happened. If I hadn't heard him running he would have hit me from behind with that bottle and who knows what he would have done after that. Holy shit! I've never seen the mother fucker in my life!! It was so random and I didn't do anything or say anything to provoke him at all. Didn't even make eye contact. Why are men like this???!!!!!

EDIT: I spoke to the police and gave them his photo. They basically said thanks and went about their lives. But maybe.....just maybe...it will do some good. Fingers crossed. Thank you all for your kind words. We're all sisters in this together ❤️.