Frustrated men … frustrated men everywhere when you walk down the dirty uneven streets of Tunis… can’t imagine what those poor women feel in those streets… and those men… I really don’t wanna be in their shoes… they’re also suffering and that insistent cheap harassment is their way to express their frustrations.

In Tunisia we combine islamic values with a shitty economy along with a shitty education system… the result: men in their thirties with no job, living with their parents, can’t get married, can’t get a girlfriend, no way to get a girl what so ever…

Added to this catastrophic system they dared to close down brothels, because it’s basically haram and forbidden to pay for sex in Islam, but leaving people in this infernal cycle of frustration in totally halal … because fuck logic.

The sad part about this is that most of those men won’t be able to perform if it ever comes to that ( a lot of stress, little to no physical activity, shitty junk food, no prior experiences … ), so they compensate by harassing girls to seem manly and strong, while deep down they know they are the exact opposite… deep down there is a little girl crying inside those macho looking men, wondering wtf did happen…

I think it’s time to decide between being a liberal country where everyone does everything they want, or an Islamic one and let those guys finish their education early enough to get wifes… as the current system is obviously not working.