Yesterday we had dinner with my sister and her husband and we all had a lot to drink. After my sister and her husband left my husband and I had sex. Neither of us were tired so we continued drinking a bit of wine listening to music in the background and everything was amazing (I thought). My husband was smiling and in a good mood. He is always like that when he is drunk. We talked about my sister and her husband. He just suddenly said I’m so in love with (sister’s name). I said what? He said I’m so desperately in love with (sister’s name), what I would do to taste her lips. She is brilliant. He looked dreamy and was still smiling. I said how drunk are you? He said probably plenty. I was drunk too but still it hit me like a ton of bricks. I just sat silent there and he too was in his own world with a smile etched on his face he looked like he was a million miles away. I went to bed.

This morning all memories came rushing and now I’m not drunk it hit me even more what he said. I’m horrified and my heart is in pieces. He hasn’t mentioned anything and is acting normal if yet hangover. I don’t know what to do now. He has always had a good relationship with my sister with mutual respect. Should I ignore his drunken comments? Was that just him being drunk? Should I wait for him to start talking? Not sure he even remembers?

What about the sex we had? Something was different even though I loved it and I thought it was one of the best sex of my life. He was different, passionate, tender and loving and he kept saying I love you, you are brilliant.

Ps: my sister has always been modest and tomboyish but she has lost 25kg and have been working out for a year. She had a form fitting red dress yesterday with red lips. She looked stunning and we all gave her compliments about it. She was very happy about it. I don’t know why I included this, I thought maybe it’s relevant.