What are some of your slip ups when you were still a rookie?

After reading the post of the “Not Swift” drivers “slip ups”, it got me thinking about my own when I started.

This was mine, 3 months into driving solo. This was out in Nashville, pulled up to the consignee and got assigned a door at the end which would be door 2. After door 1, there was a wall there and a truck in door 3 so no room for sight side backing. I think what I was trying to do was make a U turn to try and set up for a 45 degree blindside back. When I went for the setup I tried to stay as close to the door as I could because it was a little tight. Went for the setup, And of course, I didn’t take into account my trailer swing, took out the hood of the truck in door 3. I thought my career was over after barely starting it. Needless to say I was always conscious of that trailer swing after!!! 6 years later and haven’t had any slip ups since.

For you new guys if you make mistakes, just be sure to learn from them. Whenever I run across a new driver I tell them don’t focus on making money focus on experience and learning. You gotta understand, doing the job correctly is how you make more money.