So, I stumbled on an interesting thread the other day about how a lot of transmasculine folks have this concern, as they outwardly change to look more masculine, that they may accidentally come off like a stereotypical "creepy guy".

I had honestly thought I was alone on this fear until I saw that, but it made me wonder - how many of us also worry about this?

I myself have found as T makes me more outwardly masculine, I've had this reoccuring fear of coming off that way unintentionally. I'm also autistic, which doesn't help that fear.

I am in a relationship with a transfemme enby - and they tell me I don't at all come off like that, thats its anxiety, but still it pops up.

If this is a concern for ya'll, how did you deal with it? I already take steps to make sure I don't come off that way, but is there anything else that can be done? I am admittedly only 6 months on T, and fairly freshly out as trans, so navigating the world as a masculine presenting person is still a very new concept for me. Thats not helped by the fact that, being autistic, I do have to relearn all my mannerisms that were previously very feminine.

Any help is appreciated, but I also just wanted to open up a discussion about this. I genuinely wonder why this is such a concern for so many of us.