On their recent cobblecast episode Jax asks Brittany a question and when she tries answering he interrupts and says “let me finish, let me finish” in a condescending and controlling tone. It’s a small moment but in a way that’s even worse than the big blow ups. Shows how Jax at the core has no respect for Brittany as a person and a partner, and is so self-centered and unaware to the point of delulu. Like he genuinely believed Brittany was talking over him/talking too much and talked down to her when she was trying to HELP HIM remember something that he asked her to help him remember.

Imagine this type of mentality and behavior is embedded into your partner’s tiniest interactions day after day. Imagine trying to have hard conversations and give constructive feedback. Impossible.

I was really rooting for them and the family man redemption arc originally. But it would take a lot of intense therapy with a strong investment in the process for there to be any hope for Jax to be a decent partner to Brittany. He doesn’t seem willing to do any of it. Sad to hear they separated, but Brittany made the right choice and I hope she follows through.