I don't think any rational person would deny this. However, just reading through the comments here and on other social media has me in an absolute daze because so many people seem to think that Dan broke a rule, whether it be an actual rule or an unspoken rule. People are jumping to insane conclusions and having such strong opinions on a reality game show that is heavily produced and edited for storyline purposes. It's not like, say, Big Brother, where viewers are watching 24/7 and have a true indication of what is going on in the game. We're getting a cut with a digestible narrative. People need to really take a step back.

If Dan's plan worked, we probably would have had an entire episode leading up to the round table where he named Phaedra where Dan is name dropping her and bringing her up in conversations prior to the round table and it would have been viewed as yet another Dan miracle.

Hell, the producers probably wanted the Dan miracle to happen.