Title pretty much.

I know I might get downvoted into an oblivion, but I think some of y'all definitely need to hear it: your expectations & theories are YOUR problem.

I came into this season hoping the show is going to continue surprising me and providing me with fun character moments and expanding on the lore and giving more backstory to some of the side characters and I got EXACTLY what I wanted.

I LOVED this season. I had ZERO expectations about where the story is going to take me, NOR DID I WANT (and this is important) to have any expectations. I just wanted to be in this world again, and the vibe was just as perfect as the first two seasons.

I'd read some of y'all theories about S3 over the past year, and although a lot of them were quite interesting and made sense logically for the plot, I would have been really shocked if any of them came true and I'm glad none of them did.

Episode 1 is simply a masterclass of visual storytelling, and I cried when the final reveal happened and the episode ended because I did not want it to end.

Episode 3 & 6 are brilliant, so is episode 8. Episode 9 & 10 are some of my favourite of the entire show.

In fact, when I think about it, there wasn't a single episode this season that bored me even for a minute, even when it didn't "progress the plot" like so many on this sub-reddit are complaining about S3.

Filler season my ass, y'all were probably not around during the time shows like Lost were on air to truly experience what an ACTUAL filler episode of a tv show is like.

I cannot wait for Season 4.