I noticed a large amount of online criticism towards her character and it did confuse me, because the flaws that people were saying didn't seem like they were that much worse than other specific examples of her kind of character in fiction. Like her just being there for the sake of Carmy and not being that developed on her own? There's many many films/shows with that kind of character, male or female and even though it can be called a flaw, I wondered why there was more of a widespread criticism.

Ultimately, what I determined was two reasons. One of them is that many people just didn't wanna see a typical romance plot and/or didn't like that Claire/Carmy took up a lot of time in S2. The other was that in a show where everyone is flawed but with good qualities, Claire's more pleasant and nice demeanour and the fact that she just doesn't appear to have much dimension sticks out much more.

Now this might not be people's specific reasonings why they didn't like her material. But it's a potential reason or two why they seemed very pissed off at it, more so than anything else in the show. S3/4 obviously do have the chance to change things around though and I hope so.