
r/TeensMeetTeens89.7K subscribers15 active
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Pinnedby RepartedModerator19M | Verified | Mod Fishpog
[16F] looking for long term friendsLooking For Friends

Hi! Here’s some fun facts about me 😁 I just graduated high school a year early I really love cats, if you have cats I need pics please! I’m vegetarian and a total foodie 🙃 I’m from the northeast US so EST time zone I’m going to college for something kinda obscure ( history/ philosophy) I’m hoping to be a lawyer at the end of all the school ☺️ I’m interested in athiesm, agnosticism, mythology, absurdism, early philosophy, so if you’re interested in anything like that pls dm I’m neurodivergent! I’m 🏳️‍🌈as well they/she I want to write a book but not sure I’ll have the time to do it. I want to cook more, any recipes or foods you like would be appreciated! Anyone can dm just don’t ghost and be kind! Have a good day guys!

[16F] Need Long-term friends Looking For Friends

I'd prefer if you lived in my timezone or close (EST), liked the walking dead (the show, spin offs and comics), if you like scary stories, creepypasta, urban legends and if you also play roblox and Minecraft!!

by jxjltr16F
[17f] looking for new friends to talk with on WhatsApp Looking For Friends

Hey all!

Looking for some new friends to click with and talk to!

I come from a very strict and very old fashioned family so I don't really get out much!

Feel free to message and see if we click

Looking for like minded people to make a small youth organization mainly interested in Astronomy (idk how to phrase it better i'm sorry :/)Discussion

hi there! okay so I'm 15F and basically I'm trying to find people/age mates who want to idk make an astronomy based small youth organization thingy? Genuinely i have no idea how to phrase it but think of it like a teen based foundation trying to spread more knowledge and interest about astronomy on social media like insta or something. To give an example, search up neuroquest on insta to get an idea of what i'm trying to convey/make i guess.
