Hi all,

Anyone out there ever do the less common (at least from what I usually see on this sub) act of leaving teaching and then transitioning back?

I taught and managed programs while on special assignment (e.g. was classified as a teacher but around 50-75% of my day depending on funding that year was to manage programs). I did this for 10+ years, then went to work for a Fortune 5 company, am currently at a Fortune 500 (trying to preserve some anonymity). For reasons too long to get into here, I am looking for a new job - but to name a couple:

  • I am burnt tf out with the corporate environment, but not many other jobs I can think of that excite me other than teaching

-Miss working with the kids - leaving my teaching job was one of the hardest dmecisions I ever made and if you’d told me I’d be where I am 10 years ago I wouldn’t have believed you

I will say I left before experiencing teaching in the post-COVID environment, so no clue what that was like.

My gut says it’s the right choice right now, but I don’t want to (and prob can’t) flip flop back and forth if it’s not the right decision in 2 years. A small part of me is also concerned it’s a bit of nostalgia mixed with the anxiety of the literal thousands of job apps I’ve got circulating out there for non-teaching positions (in an industry in which I’m actually doing very well according to my performance reviews). I do feel it’s relevant to add that I know that desperation or burnout are not WHY to get into teaching - I wouldn’t be pursuing this option if I didn’t already know I loved it.

So while it seems this sub is more geared for getting out of teaching, but has anyone left and come back to it? If so, how was it, do you regret it, and what was your experience?