And, getting mad when said post goes viral and you get negative comments. There's a teacher who posted a video of her students on tiktok that went viral (if you know which video I'm talking about, you can take a wild guess why) and posted a follow up video basically complaining that we ruined the fun moment being negative and that it wasn't supposed to go viral. Your districts social media policy does NOT include your socials. If you get secondary permission from parents, great. Go for it. It's still weird and you should expect to get millions of views and for people to save the video and continue to circulate it after you delete it. If you didn't want it to happen, don't post it, or private your account to only coworkers and parents. This is the internet. People will find anything to pick on. Something some of these teachers need to keep in mind if they choose to do stupid trends online. I'm a gen z teacher and it's not that hard to not post my work life. Didn't know what to tag this, sorry if it's the wrong one. Just sick of seeing people shocked that the internet will be the internet, and at the end of the day it's always these young kids who are the victims of it