So this just happened a little bit ago.

I work audit at a Mawiday Binn and I got several noise complaints so I evicted the offending room. Slamming doors, yelling in the hallway. Just generally being a completely shitty guest well into the quiet hours that are posted all over the place. Took a call to the police, but they left and were gone and so I thought things were going to settle down.

In walks in a young lady asking if she can be let into the room I just evicted claiming she left something very "precious" and important. I inform her that that since that room has been evicted I would not be letting her or anyone into the room at this time. She begins to argue about the importance of the item and that I can go up to the room with her (Nope, not going to happen). I offer her to return later in the morning to retrieve her item. That wasn't going to work for her and so she says I am being racist and she pulls out her phone and starts recording and ranting about how the hotel and I are being racist.

I walked into the back and called the cops. As I am on the phone she is becoming more irate and screaming in the lobby and I hear her slamming her hand on the desk or something. So I just sit back there and wait for the cops.

Eventually I venture up thinking she had left, but she is there with some other people I hadn't seen before. One of them was just asking me what was going on in a calm tone while she was yelling about how she had talked nice to me. I tell the guy that I said she could return in the morning for her charger and that the cops were on their way. They left shortly after.

Cops came shortly after that and since the lady was gone they just told me to call them if anyone comes back.

It seems The Preakness really does bring out some wild cards. Hope ya'lls nights/weekends are going better. Thanks for letting me vent.