So im a night audit for a hotel, big brand name but small, kind of cheap place. Well so far tonight, the internet and cable went out for the entire building, which wasnt a big deal since most of our current guests are military and are already in bed since they get up early. But now I'm having to deal with our fire alarm just sporadically going off for absolutely no reason. A glitch in the system, which I'm sure that a high pitch, ear splitting alarm waking them up continuously throughout the night, they will care about. The hotel is even booked way more than the usual tonight, almost full, because like i mentioned before, there's a lot of military here for training since we are located close to a base. Now I'm just standing posted next to the alarm, and neglecting my other duties to ensure I'm close to quickly silence it if it goes off again. It's going to be a very interesting morning I assume. Yay me! Sorry, just needed somewhere to offload this, since everybody else i know sleeps at these hours