I work at a small but almost always full hotel in the center of Athens, Greece. The incident is a bit old (2022) but it still bothers me because the review is still online. The guest in question went out one day and the same evening when she returned to her room, came down stairs and claimed that 600$ were stolen from her room. She probably had forgotten where she put her cash and found them afterwards since she never followed up or contacted us or Booking again about the issue. My personal guess is that she wanted something like a free upgrade or not to pay for the Jacuzzi.

The problem is that she obviously wrote a 1/10 review on Booking where she called us thieves, a "sham of a business" and threatened with lawsuits, that two years later never happened. We asked Booking twice to remove the review or at least the written comments since there is no evidence, yet they said they couldn't because "This is the guest's experience" and "It does not go against their policy".

Yet their policy is that they are strict at any content that could be "deemed intimidating, threatening, rude of disparaging". So any Karen can write whatever she wants in a review as long us she doesn't explicitly curse? Every hotel, even the best ones get negative reviews but this one bother me because it has nothing to do with our hotel and services. Is there anything more that can be done or just wait for the review to finish its 3 year online cycle?