
r/Swingers479.4K subscribers30 active
Verification process 2024, minor update.

Please have the picture in color and unphotoshopped outside of blocking your faces if you choose to do so (Updated for 2024)

Edit: Some people are unsure how to send the photo. Send it to here. Its the "message the mods"

Edit 2: We will ONLY respond in mod mail. Added this is NOT I repeat NOT to turn this sub into an r4r though I realize that can happen when people start talking privately, and we don't have a problem with that. R4R posts are still to be placed in the appropriate /r/SwingersR4R. This is to help let people know who are real couples when it comes to discussions. Its not a guarantee just another check box.

Edit 3: Be sure the image site does not require a log on and is a direct link to the photo.

Verification has been asked for many times by members of /r/swingers for years. As a rule we were reluctant to do so as we were a relatively small sub and the extra effort didn't seem to add much value. We never intended r/swingers to be a direct hookup sub but a “lets talk about swinging as a thing” sub.

But the sub was a lot smaller, and pretty niche.

This is no longer the case, at least on size, so we are now going to offer verification for couples. This was discussed by all active members of the mod team as a good step for the sub.

Who can verify?

Couples only at this time. This may change in the future as things get smoothed out.

So how do you verify?

Send a photo of you both together and mostly full body to mod mail, faces optional, do not use DM or chat to a specific mod but the general mod mail for the sub. Link your photo in your request from an image site or your reddit profile.

What should the photo include?

Both of you together, holding a piece of paper with your user name, date, and /r/swingers written on said paper. You can be clothed or nude or whatever you like.

Finally this is a key point. WRINKLE the paper after writing it, before taking the photo Why? Because some people like to photoshop and its really easy to do on a flat page. This has been a standard for verified subs for ages. People steal photographs all the time for fake verification, even on paid swinger sites.

Will the photos be saved?

No, and if you make a new account for some reason you will need to reverify.

What is being verified?

ONLY that you are a couple who's willing to verify. If you send us a couples photo where you are both look 75 and post that you are both 30, we won't call you out, we probably won't remember.

Do you NEED to verify to post?

No, posting policy is not changed by this.

I sent our photo but still am not verified and haven't heard anything, what do I do?

If its been over a week send a new verification mail. Reddit can be weird, the mod might be tired, lots of things can happen.

Pinnedby Swingersbaby👩‍❤️‍👨Verified Couple
New reddit filter, posting, and you.Mod Announcement

Automatic Filter : Identified by the abuse and harassment filter

This is the new instalment of reddit keeping this civil or a safespace depending on your point of view.

It seems to be language that appears to be insulting in some way is the cause of it and it automatically removes the post (and for now as mods we can approve them, I say for now because reddit doesn't allow us to remove some others).

What seems to trigger this is words like "troll" or "idiot" or such, I don't have a list, and if its some AI context thing, or account flagging thing but some of them seem to be innocent too like "my husband calls that dress my slut dress" to use a vague example that might be said here.

So if your post is removed (and you can't see it is unless you log out and see if its there or not) that could be why.

Pinnedby Swingersbaby👩‍❤️‍👨Verified Couple
IS IT JUST US?General Discussion

So we are a pretty up front couple. We do single and couple (I work away a lot). We are very straight forward with what we want. We don’t really get into hanging out and being big buddies. We are 100% looking for sex. We understand the need to feel a connection with others but my wife and I are just not looking to hang out and go do stuff with people. We literally want to chat online or over text then get a hotel go have great meaningless sex as many times as we can keep going and then when it’s over leave. We have no problem hooking up with same couples and same singles time and time again but it’s literally just for sex. Seems in the couple scheme it makes it much harder to find couples that are interested in the same. Just wondering if there are more like us or if in general people want to be friends more than sexual partners.

Swinging and the new "me" it brought out ...General Discussion

Hello, so I am new to swinging and was very hesitant to get into it. Wife was more eager. After a few experiences, here is the new "me" that I am getting acquainted with.

  1. Initial erection problems. First two sessions were embarrassing. I just could not please the other wife. They were both understanding and still have threesome fun with my wife and their own husbands. After it all happened, the memory of it all was very arousing. Sex with my own wife would be amazing because I saw other men and women totally in lust with her.

I started to accept myself as someone who enjoys watching his wife being taken in front of him and then after a few sessions I was like why should I wait for this to be over to have sex with my wife? Why not now? It began with me and my wife and then she would be replaced by the other woman and it was hot!

  1. Sweet Revenge sex? I would be extremely aroused by the sight of my wife being fucked by another man. There were some positions it which she looked HOT when being pounded. It would create a sweet jealousy that I would make me love the other mans woman while replicating the same passion. Its like you match their energy with your own across the bed and it keeps building up.

  2. My suppressed bisexuality! This is the part that surprises me the most. I have NEVER considered myself bi. Ever! But lately, if the man is muscular and if I have been taken to a certain level of arousal then I am open to doing things I would normally not do. I have kissed and licked male bodies and sucked cocks. I have licked ejaculations off of my wife's naked body and then made love to her. I have no idea where that even came from.

  3. I am not jealous! I always thought that this would have the potential to break my marriage but I do not see it that way. Some where in the journey that switch was turned off and now I do not even know if it really existed?

So yes, it has been great but not sure what else is the new "me?"

Funny But Strange ExperienceHumor 😂

This might be a tad long, but my wife and I just had lunch and spent the whole time laughing, so it’s worth a share.

We’ve been swapping with this older retired couple fairly regularly over the past few months. They live up north here in NSW but their adult children live in Sydney, and they still own a nice apartment here, so they come down to visit their kids and grandkids every weekend or so.

We’ve come to really enjoy sleepovers with them when we can make it work on our end - normally the other husband and my wife take one room and myself and the other wife take a different room. So, same roof, different room stuff, but usually myself and my wife end up for at least part of the time having a threesome with the other wife while he watches.

All good fun, we get on really well.

Last week they hit us up and said that they had some friends coming to Sydney for the weekend who they swing with every so often and they’d mentioned us to this other couple. The other couple suggested we all get together for an evening.

This other couple rented a nice Airbnb place here in Sydney, they’d suggested a sleepover if we could make it work, so my wife’s parents took the kids and we were in.

We’d chatted with this other couple a few times over FaceTime this week to do a kind of vibe check and it was really good. The husband was mid-60’s and the wife was a bit younger, much closer to our age as she was in her mid-40’s. Both quite fit and attractive so we were good to go.

We get to the place they rented yesterday evening, some light snacks, few drinks, everyone getting comfortable and relaxing.

Then everyone starts to pair off - for simplicity, Couple B will be the people we normally swing with and this third couple will be Couple C.

My wife ended up pairing off with the husband from Couple C, I ended up with the wife from Couple B, and that left Husband B and Wife C to head off to the other room. After about an hour, the women all swapped rooms and I ended up with Wife C and my wife ended up with Husband B.

It was getting pretty late by this point and after a little while, Wife B (who was with Husband C) quietly walks into the room with myself and Wife C and asks if she can join us because Husband C has decided to go to sleep now.

Wife C happily invites her into bed with us and there’s a bit of play and cuddling. I was a bit surprised and made reference to the fact that Husband C packed it in early.

His wife said, “Oh, that’s normal. He has to sleep alone. He uses CPAP and he has PLM.” I had no idea what PLM was and she explained it’s that disorder where people kick out in their sleep, so they sleep in different rooms at home.


Anyway, the three of us went to sleep, bit of middle of the night play happened which is normal with Wife B and I when we sleepover, and a good three way session early this morning.

We all got up, had a quick coffee, showered, and my wife and I had to duck out early because our daughter had a party at 11am we had to drop her off at.

Wife and I had a brief chat on the way to grab the kids and then we split up to take them to their things before catching back up for a quick bite of lunch at home.

My wife had absolutely no idea that Husband C essentially sent Wife B to me so he could sleep by himself. She couldn’t believe it and we laughed hilariously about it.

Old mate, got his fuck on and then was like, “Ok, time for me to hit the hay, you all sort yourself out.” LOL.

Anyway, my wife said that early this morning, Husband C came into the room where she and Husband B were and they had a MFM threesome which she said was very good, but she had no idea about the sleeping arrangements until I told her.

Sex was great, she said Husband C was absolutely terrific sexually, but the idea that he just tucked in by himself is so funny. Neither couple mentioned this to us in advance and we wouldn’t have been too fussed either way, it was just hilarious to find out this way.

As my wife said over lunch, “Another great story we have to talk about when we’re older.”

Never thought we’d have THIS problem.nsfwGeneral Discussion

Do any of you couples ever find yourself sticking to one other couple you click with?

So me and my wife recently started getting into ENM. We only made this decision less than a month ago. We have so far had three experiences with two different couples. The first couple we met on feeld, which was a surprise to us because we don’t live in the most open minded or populated area. We had been planning on going to see them over the weekend (they live about an hour away) but one night they randomly invited us over and impulsively we accepted. Everything went GREAT. We chatted on the patio for probably 2 hours and got comfortable (we are new and they are not) until I sat next to her and my wife sat next to him and things very quickly escalated in the best way. Needless to say we eventually all ended up inside and didn’t regret a moment of it. A couple days later we met up with the second couple we had been talking to and it was AWFUL. They were not ready for this like they thought and short version, he couldn’t hold his load, she took this as a threat and started trying way to hard to get me to finish (I’m a marathon runner, not a sprinter), she ended up getting violent and we left. No problem, we had safety nets in place for this type of situation and they worked. We enjoyed the rest of our night alone and didn’t waste any time being bothered by someone else’s relationship issues. We called the first couple (we had been talking to them every day for about a week and still do) and they reassured us of all the things we already knew. It wasn’t our fault, everyone knew what was going on getting into that situation etc. Since then we have continued both talking with the first couple regularly. We have been back to their house once since the first time, also went incredibly well. We did actually visit a 3rd time but due to everyone being exhausted after hanging out all day doing different “normal” things nothing explicit happened, which was completely acceptable to everyone without any expectations or frustration. Here is my question. We feel extremely lucky to have found another couple we are both attracted too and click with. We would be friends with them even if none of this was in the picture. They have expressed their desire to have us over on a regular bases, which we are more than happy to do. We have started talking about the fact we are losing interest in other couples we have been chatting with because the first couple just checks all the boxes and everyone else seems to just not quite be “them”. We have no problems being lonely “exclusive” (an odd term in this community I know) with them. To be clear at no point have they expressed this expectation. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced something like this? We love being around them and definitely enjoy the “play”. However we don’t know if it’s safe to start getting any sense of attachment. Thoughts?

Sex clubs in ParisGeneral Discussion

I wonder if someone can help me. My boyfriend and I are going to Paris for a week and would like to have some fun with other couples. We are two men, he is bi (and gorgeous), and I am gay. I like to watch him with other women, and he is fine with me having fun with other guys. In the clubs like le mask and Les Chandelles, would us being a two-men couple affect getting in or our experience once inside? Would we be alone? Is it only straight couples and do the men ever play with each other? I don’t want to end up disappointed or embarrassed.

Please help me!

Sex clubs in NYC?General Discussion

first time posting here! my boyfriend and I are exclusive but want to start going to clubs with play rooms and stuff. we are kinda nervous because its our first time- are there any beginner friendly sex clubs? or hours when it will be less crowded? any advice appreciated!!

edit: any places under $100? im kinda a broke college student lolll

Recommendations for a nice LS club in VancouverClubs: Review/Inquiry

Hello Can you share any recommendations for a LS club in Vancouver, Canada I checked Reddit and it seems there is not really any nice option most people can agree on. Many thanks/

Bf arranging a mfm for me without being a part of it.General Discussion

My partner wants to, and we have discussed, him arranging a mfm (or possibly ffm) for me where he wouldn’t be a part of it. He would basically take me to the guys place, hand me over and wait outside. I like the idea but am very nervous. Does anybody have experience of something like this? Any tips?

He would vet the guys beforehand to make sure I am safe.

Sorry, English is not my first language.

How do you answer questions like "So, what do you do? For work."General Discussion

I struggle to balance keeping some privacy but being friendly and open with people in the LS. On one hand, I'm more than happy to share what I do for work... but it's the least interesting thing about me in this context, and it's decidedly un-sexy follow up conversation. I really don't want to talk about work unless I have to. Just me?

Any suggestions for how to deflect the question without being rude? Do I just make up a funny answer?

(21) [MF4F/MF] IE Couple Looking For Club Location [Recommendations] Clubs: Review/Inquiry

Long time reader 2nd time posting Me(M21) and my girlfriend (F21) really want to attend and nubies night at a swingers club but don’t even know where to start looking where are some of the best clubs to go to in the IE

NJ area ?General Discussion

Are there any good sex clubs in NJ area ? Or all are in NYC ? I am a newbie to this. Never been to swingers or sex club before. Any suggestions or recommendations are appreciated.

Private video collectingGeneral Discussion

Hey everyone. What’s yalls experience and opinions with making videos for personal collection while swinging?

Sunneyrest resort , hows the food/ musicClubs: Review/Inquiry

I am looking a swingers perspective of Sunneyrest resort what are your ratings of the food to the crowd and the music? Also have you met other swingers there? Is it a good place to hook up? Have you had any luck there ? Would you go back? I am aware that SR is NOT a swinger resort! I am asking for a swingers revew.

Sea Mountain Las VegasClubs: Review/Inquiry

My wife and I are going to sea mountain Las Vegas in early October midweek. Realizing every day is different, but should we expect to be mostly alone or is early October still a busy period? What have others done in terms of food during the day?

Couples Next DoorSingle Male Discussion

I recently joined and then left couples next door. On the face of it, it seemed like it should be a fun platform to meet people for fun and adventure. In reality, most of the people are at best average in terms of attractiveness and willingness to converse. The vibe is very much let’s get drunk and have “experiences”, which is great if your development stopped at age 16. Very much not worth it…

Need help with excuses. General Discussion

My wife and I recently got into the lifestyle. We are both mid 40s and have been together for 20 plus years. Our issue is we have an older parent living with us. This is great in the fact we have free child care. But we are running out of excuses as to why we go out on Saturdays to the local LS club. Any ideas?.

The challenge with longtermsGeneral Discussion

Wife and I have been playing for over a year, and have a longterm FWB couple we really like.

The issue, they want us to not play with others, but we want to check off some bucket list items sexually. Has anyone been in a situation like this? They have become great friends, so we are torn.

Are single men out of luck, pretty much toast 😛Single Male Discussion

Unless of course the single man is a casanova of sorts.

For "normal" single men, what's your experience on being in the swinger lifestyle? How do you make and keep your connections? There are paid clubs and private parties; I've been to them a handful of times. Are these the best ways? The websites are pretty much useless.

I'd love to meet an enthusiastic partner for a long term relationship. So far, my experience has been full of fakes, flakes and scammers. There may have been one or two good connections. However, they fizzled away pretty quickly.

First time soft swap, feelings evolving overtimeGeneral Discussion

My wife and I have been to a few parties and the last one we finally did a soft swap. We walked away thinking our episode was over but as time goes on we have realised we want to take it further despite our original feelings once walking away from the party. That being said, I'm happy to share my wife but my wife is abit hesitant to share me, which I totally respect and would never coerce her into such a thing... I was hoping to see if anyone has gone through the same situation, and things to consider, my marriage is my number 1 priority so our engagement isn't a filler for underlying problems :)

Thanks in advance

Mismatch sex drive in a couple. Can swinging help? General Discussion

We (myself F29, partner M36 ) have been together for 4 years no. We love each other and we love each other company. Since the beginning he was very clear to me that he had low libido. I was fine with that. We had sex when he wants to, I was reject a few times.

Yesterday we had our first time in a swingers club. We explored a lot of fantasies between us , chat with a few couples. But nothing sexual happened between us and another person as it was our first time and we were experimenting…

Today I’m in very into some more sex, the whole experience turned me on so much. I tried initiating something today but he was zero in the mood and now he is very sad. He brought up that I should look outside of our marriage as he sees that I’m very upset and frustrated .

I’m thinking about going deeper into the swinger life. Is it a good an idea when one of the partners is not that into sex?

Club De Rencontre La Rumeur, Quebec CityClubs: Review/Inquiry

This club is far smaller than what one would see in Montreal or Toronto. After reading other reviews, we were hesitant on coming, assuming that it would have been time/money wasted. Instead we went in with an open mind, and glad that we did. Set privately in an industrial area, you enter the club descending down a 1/2 flight of stairs. Upon entering and paying the membership fee of $75 ($54.90usd), $30 ($22usd) club fee (cards allowed), we waited in the bar/club room until we received our tour of La Cachette (hide away play area) that opens at 11:30). The vanilla only club side has a typical bar, drinks were around $10-$11 ($8usd). The far end of the room has a wrap around couch, tables in the middle of the room, and a small dance floor with 2 poles to the opposite corner of the room as the entrance. Just past the bar is an entry way, left takes you to the bathrooms, right takes you to la Cachette. Once opened at 11:30, la Cachette entrance fee is $30 ($22usd) cash only that you pay at the desk. Condoms for purchase. Guests are required to leave cell phones at the desk upon entrance. Next to the desk is the first room, VIP rental for the night for $100 ($73usd). Has a few beds and porn going. After, there is a small lockeroom to drop off your gear, small bathroom and shower. Clothing is allowed beyond this point, most wear towels that were given at the desk. The first room (orgy room) has four beds. Across is a small room with a swing. To the left is a single bed room with a one way mirror, next is a 2 bed room (plastic lined tops), the last room is a single bed with all mirror walls. Change your sheets when you're done with a room. Tops of the walls of the rooms are open to allow others to hear. Works quite well. Some beds are plastic topped, some hospital style. When doing the tour, check out each rooms beds individually if you have a preference. The place was PACKED. The one night we were there, no single men allowed, id say the average age was 40. There were plenty that were older, and we saw many that were in there 30s. Very attractive crowd overall. We did ask and told that it was a busy night with many unicorns. For the cost, I've seen complaints, but compared to other clubs, after calculating for the exchange rate, the club + la Chachette fee is par with nightly rates, and the membership cost is just under 1/3 the cost. If you're visiting Quebec, I'd attend. It's not Montreal or Toronto, keep that in mind, but I personally thought the place is a little gem.

Refractory periodGeneral Discussion

In my early 20s, I could go again after probably 10 or 15 minutes. I was mentally eager even before that. In my mind 30s, I’ve become more one-and-done, or at least need a significant delay before starting up again.

Would this get better if I got more in shape, or am I just a victim of the slow but constant progression of time?

by Opposite_Orchid_165Mid-30s Married M
RevewsGeneral Discussion

I am asking for a swingers revew of Sunneyrest resort,
I am aware that SR is NOT a swinger resort. It is a nudest resort in the purest ! I am asking for a revew of the place from a swinger who has been there or is planning on going , what made you decide to che k it out ? Do you thing it mite be a place to meet other that swing?

Turks & CaicosGeneral Discussion

What’s the scene in Turks and Caicos?

15th avenue club in Melrose Park ILSingle Male Discussion

Hey all. I’m a single male and was thinking of heading to this club sometime in the near future. What’s it like for a single man there? What’s the best way to approach women and/or couples without coming off as creepy?