Hello Sweat Community!

It's time for another round of our favorite contest, Capture Your Walk! Let's see those beautiful walking moments you've captured.

How to Participate:

  1. Capture a photo of your walk.
  2. Post your photo in the comments of this post.
  3. Don't forget toΒ upvoteΒ this post!


  • Only one entry per participant.
  • Do not submit old pictures to this contest, or images downloaded from the web. That will get you banned from this and any future contests.
  • The contest ends tomorrow at 6 PM UTC


We'll select 10 winners, each receiving 25 $SWEAT! and will be announced tomorrow.

Good luck, everyone!

By entering the contest, participants agree that photos submitted can be used by The Sweat Foundation Ltd and/or SweatCo Ltd for advertising purposes.