Hello everyone,

I’m here with a question and hope you can help me. I live in a house and around me there are a lot of woods. Recently I found a dead deer and a fox near my house. It is strange because it never happend before and there shouldn’t be any predators around here. The bodies looked half eaten half mutilated so I’m wondering what animal it could have been.

Today my cat did not come back home which never happend before because she always comes back and sleeps inside. It might sound funny but I’m getting really frustrated because of that.

Tomorow I’ll go deeper into the woods to look for her and see what’s up. When I will come back I will instantly report back with the news and in meanwhile maybe you could give me any tips to hunt down or get rid of whatever lives here. I also have 2 dogs and I don’t want them geting hurt by some wild animal. Thank you for the tips!

Update: I left a comment below that everythings seems fine. If wildlife killing continues I will call my old friend who was a hunter. Still waiting for my cat to come back home :(