TA;DR Here is how/why to either purchase shares with Fidelity routed through IEX or make recurring investments using Computershare. Standard warning. This is not financial advice. I am just relaying my understanding of these tools and giving my smooth brain opinion on what I consider the most effective way to handle this trade.

This guide is designed for both new and old US apes looking for the most effective way (in my personal opinion) to buy and HODL shares of GameStop. Before we dig in lets acknowledge and recognize how far we have come. We began with a tool that we thought would carry us through. A broker "for the people". A pretty little app that lowered the barrier to entry and simplified the whole process.


As the broker who shall not be named betrayed us, we realized how much more complicated the market truly was. Naked shorting, fails to deliver, dark pools, synthetic shares and the worst part? We didn't even own the shares we had purchased. To top it off, they were being loaned out to predatory short sellers to be used against us. As we enter the end game we finally have the knowledge and access to the tools that will actually let us OWN our shares. Enter Computershare and IEX routing through Fidelity.


Just in case you have been living under a rock for the past few months lets talk about these companies to give you a better idea of what they are and what they can do for us.



What is Computershare?

Computershare is the official transfer agent for GameStop and a ton of high profile publicly traded companies. There is a lot more to it but basically they allow you to purchase shares directly from GameStop or transfer shares and have them registered in your name on GameStop's books. Why this matters is that these shares are impossible to be loaned out in any way shape or form. But isn't that true of shares held in cash accounts with regular brokers? ehhhh kinda. Yes the broker might not be lending your shares out themselves but there is a lot of fuckery that can take place still when the shares are registered in "Street Name" and not "Book Entry". If you would like to read more about this company and how it effects you, give this post a browse.

When you wish upon a star - a complete guide to Computershare 

TLDR: Computershare is a service that lets you HODL the hardest



What is IEX?

IEX is a relatively new stock exchange. It was initially developed to level the playing field and remove the advantage that high frequency trading has over retail. It's a pretty incredible story that is worth reading up on but the important part is IEX is a LIT exchange. Shares purchased on IEX are not routed through dark pools and when you use this option your trades actually impact price discovery instead of just being swept under the rug. Wall street has been pretty slow to adopt this exchange as it removes many of the advantages large firms have over retail. In fact, Citadel Securities is currently suing the SEC over IEX because, "booooo hoooo big bad IEX makes it so we can't fuck retail through latency arbitrage". Routing trades through IEX has been historically difficult to do and the few retail brokers that allowed it had pretty heavy caveats to using it. This is no longer and issue and you can very easily route your trades through IEX using Fidelity

TLDR: IEX is a new exchange that you can route your trades through to impact price discovery



What is Fidelity?

Fidelity is one of the largest brokers in the world. None of us trust any broker completely but they are widely recognized as one of the safest brokers to work with. They did not turn off the buy button during the sneeze, do not use PFOF (payment for order flow), has incredible customer service and the fastest transfer process of any broker. There is a lot to catch up on here but basically Fidelity has been our go-to broker during this whole saga. They are still a broker though so they are inherently imperfect. The general consensus at this point is holding shares in CS (Computershare) is better to support the MOASS (mother of all short squeezes) but credit where credit is due. If you are going to use a broker they have continued to be one of if not the best choices.

They have also done a great job listening to the feedback of the wave of new retail traders that this saga has created. The most recent and relevant change is the addition of IEX routing to their platform. Right now IEX routing is only available using their beta iOS app or their desktop program ATP (active trader pro) but more options are expected to be added soon include Android support.

TLDR: Fidelity is arguably the best broker for this trade and now supports IEX routing


Ok, I'm caught up. Wut Do?

Well, that really depends on what kind of Ape you are. I'll explain the two different ways to go about this trade and you will have to decide for yourself which approach you would like to take. Both accomplish the same goal. Purchase shares on a LIT exchange, impact price discovery and HODL those shares in a way that ensures you are the true owner which gives you the best chance to receive a hypothetical NFT dividend and support the MOASS.

Option 1 - Buy The Dip

Purchasing with Fidelity routed through IEX and transferring shares to Computershare

Do you like following the ticker all day? Do you have lots of free time? Do you want to get the best price possible and "buy the dip"? This is the route for you

Option 2 - CS and Chill

DirectStock recurring investment through Computershare

Do you have a busy schedule? Do you just want to set a budget and have a service automatically buy shares for you? Do you think "time in the market beats trying to time the market" ? This is the route for you.


Buy the Dip

The reason you would want to go through all these steps is purchasing through a broker like Fidelity allows you to time the execution of your trades. This allows you to get the best bang for your buck if you enjoy following rumors and buying "fuck you" shares when the stock is being shorted. The other option is much simpler but many of us really enjoy following the ticker. If you do too, routing through IEX is the way.

While we are on the subject of routing we might as well discuss your other options. In addition to routing through IEX, you can also route to the New York Stock Exchange by using ARCX or to Nasdaq using XNMS. These are both lit exchanges, but they don't have the features IEX has that prevents HFT Firms from front running orders. The other choices are alternative trading systems aka dark pools.

So in order of least amount to most fuckery - IEX, then ARCX or XNMS, then the rest

I need to assume at this point you are an adult capable of opening a fidelity brokerage account and downloading Active Trader Pro or downloading the iOS app and enabling the beta experience. If you have questions please feel free to ask them here or search SuperStonk for help. Once you have accomplished those tasks here is a visual guide on how to purchase shares routed through IEX. Lets start with Active Trader Pro first.


If you would rather use the iOS app here is the visual guide for that. The android beta has yet to be updated with IEX routing but the process should be very similar when it becomes available.


Now that you have purchased GME on a LIT exchange all you have to do is wait for that trade to settle. This takes 2 business days and now your shares can be transferred if you wish. This next part is entirely a personal decision. Should you transfer to Computershare and DRS (Directly register your shares) ? Well, most apes think this is the best way to go. Personally I think diversifying your holdings in multiple brokers AND Computershare is the safest route. The whole idea of DRS is to remove as many shares from the float as possible. If you follow this logic then you would want to move basically all of your shares to CS. There are still some kinks to be worked out with CS though. Selling through them is not difficult but its a little slower, has fees and selling shares for silly amounts of money ($1,000,000+) is kind of complicated.

Hopefully a lot of these questions and concerns will be addressed in the upcoming AMA with Computershare  but until then it's still probably a very good idea to move a large chunk of your shares to them. The personal ratio is entirely up to you. Right now I have about 50% of my shares in Fidelity (mostly because they are stuck in a Roth IRA), 30% in Computershare and 20% in Vanguard. As far as how to DRS and send your shares to Computershare, it's incredibly simple. You literally just call Fidelity on the phone and they do it for you for free in less than 10 mins. There are tons of posts covering this process but here is one for the lazy 

You should not have to take all these extra steps but that is the world we are operating in. Right now if you purchase shares with another broker your order might not be impacting price discovery, your shares could potentially be loaned out and frankly there is a really good chance you are just getting an IOU and not even a real share.


CS and Chill

Computershare has a program that is designed to make repeated purchase of a stock incredibly simple. Now this does have fees and some caveats but if you just want to set a budget and keep buying shares on a recurring basis then the DirectStock program is exactly what you are looking for. It follows the premise that "Time in the market is better than timing the market". Here are the drawbacks.

Other than the associated fees the biggest issue is when you choose to purchase shares your order is taken immediately but may not be executed right away. The program batches all the orders together and may not execute your trade for a few days. This means you might be trying to buy 2 shares at $175/share and allocate $350 to the trade. By the time your order is executed the price might have risen to $200/share. This means that you end up with 1.75 shares instead. Now of course the opposite can be true and you end up with more shares but it is important you are aware of this concept.

If that is ok with you read on and find out how you can sit back and chill while slowly building up a horde of shares to HODL. Once you have gone through the process of creating a Computershare account  you will need to navigate your way to the DirectStock section or just click the "Search and Buy Stock" option from your portfolio homepage

Once you search GME you will be taken to this page which outlines the fees and program structure


There are a lot of options here and I can't cover all of them. Basically you just need to link a bank account and then enroll in this program or modify the plan you are currently on to allow for DirectStock. You will be given the option to choose how much and how often you invest. Here is an example screen.


From here just click next, verify your account details and now you can just sit back and chill knowing CS will keep buying shares and registering them in your name.



Fuck if I know. I am just some dude on the internet sharing with you what I personally think is the most effective tools available to Buy and HODL. Please take everything I say and everything else you read about this trade with a massive heaping of salt.

We are all figuring this out together. I have read the DD, I keep trying to grow wrinkles on my smooth brain and we are up against a system that was designed to fuck us. Over time we have exposed more and more tactics being used against us. I just like the stock and I personally think this is the best way to go about buying it.

Please feel free to ask questions or suggest modifications to this guide in the comments below. Our collective intelligence is the only reason we have gotten this far.