27yo male 6'2" 78kg Social Marijuana user. No nicotine. 2 drinks every Friday. 3-4 cups of coffee a day.

This entire year I've felt on top of the world, I've been killing it in my job, social life, and in the gym. I worked hard, played hard, took my health seriously and felt great because of it. This has been a theme for the past two years.

However, recently I went through a stressful period, where I had to move house resulting in a longer commute (1h each way instead of 20 minutes). I also was chosen to be a substitute team lead at work during the two week vacation of our usual team lead, resulting in increased responsibilities on my end (and wanting to prove that I could handle them). I'm also studying a masters degree part time and had to spend my entire Sunday working on it about two weeks ago.

This resulted in me not being able to sleep well that Sunday night, only being able to fall asleep at 5am and I needed to be up at 8 for work. Since then, I feel like I've been in hell. I have had insomnia for around a week, even resulting in me missing half a day of work because I slept through my alarm. Now I got my sleeping back under control for most nights through deep breathing and a melatonin supplement, but I've started having panic attacks where I feel short of breath, break out into a cold sweat, and feel an overwhelming sense of doom, like the color is draining from my face and my brain starts telling me im dying and having a heart attack or a siezure.

I've started to get tremors as well, where I can't hold my hands steady, and even my sense of balance seems thrown off, like I'm constantly swaying. I feel anxious throughout the day, and I feel like I'm in a loop as I'm feeling anxious about being anxious. This was a sudden and somewhat serious change of pace for how I normally feel, I don't feel like myself at all, and I've been crying at night and hugging my pillows like they're going to die.

I've stopped my intake of weed ever since that first sleepless night, and have started taking ashwaganda in an attempt to lower my cortisol levels. I've also lowered my coffee intake to one a day.

Is this all stress related or is there something more villainous at play here that I should go see a doctor about? My sober intuition says that it's just stress and I shoukd ride the symptoms out and keep exercising harder to relieve the stress, but my panic attacks tell me that I'm dying and need help. I've taken the rest of the week off of work so I can have time to process this.