Don’t be scared by the fancy title! I’ll explain it in no time in a way you can get some new ideas about the nature of our reality. Hilbert space and quantum information are mathematical concepts that can be explained without formulas because fundamentally, they describe one simple thing: creating, affecting, and detecting the story unfolding through time. That’s it.

Hilbert spaces are essential mathematical concepts within functional analysis, a branch of mathematics that studies vector spaces of functions. Named after the German mathematician David Hilbert, these spaces provide a framework for understanding infinite-dimensional spaces by offering a mathematical structure that extends the concepts of vector spaces into the infinite realm. 

One of the most familiar examples of a Hilbert space is the Euclidean vector space consisting of three-dimensional vectors. 

Hilbert space invention became a setup and a “Teaser”  to quantum studies. The conception of quantum information was introduced in the theory of quantum information studying the phenomena of entanglement in quantum mechanics. Entanglement was theoretically forecast in the famous papers of Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (1935) and independently by Schrödinger (1935), deducing it from Hilbert space, the basic mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics. 

What unites these and other complex modern mathematical concepts? What makes them special and so useful in modern science? They all describe and give tools to predict the functional outcome of some given system. In simple words: they all are used to describe the position in time of the object that we are observing, its properties, and show how the system evolves in time. It is broken apart into simple meanings like: This object (a dot or a cubit). That direction. This given scalar number. Mathematically all three sequences that describe position of a dot in 3D always equal 1.

Basically that is a quantum statement: “yes”, “this system exists and we are talking about it” and there is another quantum statement” “no”. There is no story about this system. And only that matters. When there is simple yes and no it means there is a difference between object, and a separate object becomes an incomplete part of the system and dramaturgy emerges.

Either this object moves towards distinguishing from the system or toward absorbing it/in it.

Hilbert space geometrical visualization.  

Entropy viewed in our reality, this fundamental phenomenon of time going forward – shows us in general all systems of reality tend to regain the maximum entropy.

If you look through the quantum dramaturgy filter, all these things are a setup of the dramaturgical capsule “hero-way-goal”. Many things in Euclidean space have an interesting philosophical background and are effective only because they follow the fundamental way of dramaturgy. Something always gets some goal to reach something. And the unique process of getting there through time is a real back-end structure that includes all kinds of fundamental constants and creates them because they become a part of the story.

 Everything that has never become a part of any story – doesn’t exist!

 Quantum dramaturgy operates with two interesting functional events: (Fr) fact result event and (Re) reaction event. These are qubits of information that cause a chain effect on each other, being computational slots of the minimal possible size in a Turing machine of our reality. Stephen Wolfram calls them Atoms of space. Here is a video about dramaturgical Atoms of space. 

Meanwhile, you can discover more thought experiments in QD by reading the book “Physics of Important Things.”