I have a few but one of them is from visions of the future. (I haven’t finished the book so don’t spoil pls)

“He [Thrawn] brought me out here” he said quietly. “Showed me what it was we faced, and what we’d have to do to stop it. Showed me that even with all the resources of the Empire and New Republic combined, and with himself at the head, there were no guarantees of victory”

These lines go so hard when u look at the context. By this point in the timeline and release order, Thrawn is the 2nd most powerful being after Palpatine. And we’ve seen what he did with an empire a quarter the size of the original and to think that this man with all the known galaxies strength may not win against this new threat is absoloutly insane. Ppl at the time must’ve been in shock after this foreshadow. The Vong really got a nice setup.