Lyrics: It starts to rain On my side of the room It’s touchin, it’s drenching everything

So I tell my friends Before I die, I want to be perfect It’s crushing, encompassing, everything

And yes I gamble with my health, And sell my self respect, For words I get drunk on, drunk on Want you to tell me that I’m kind And don’t tell heaven that I might Bottle it, and get drunk on, drunk on

I misinterpret And im anxious, so anxious So I wear it like a necklace, like a cruel second skin

Biting my nails, drilling my teeth Clearing my ears so they can hear you Tell me im good, tell me im right Tell im perfect all the time

And yes I gamble with my health, And sell my self respect, For words I get drunk on, drunk on Want you to tell me that I’m kind And don’t tell heaven that I might Bottle it, and get drunk on, drunk on