A Place for Socialist Gamers

r/SocialistGamingβ€’27.1K subscribersβ€’7 active
Reminder that this isn't a debate sub. This is a place for leftist gamers to hang out.Socialist Gaming

If for some reason you're not a leftist and want to stick around, know that we have no interest in debating our core beliefs here. This is a place for leftists to discuss gaming.

We try to keep it broad but this is an anticapitalist, antifascist, feminist, queer oriented subreddit and we explicitly support movements like BLM, rioting included.

If you find that this isn't to your liking, go join one of the myriad gaming subs out there.

Pinnedby Tiny_Tim1956Moderator
Bidenists and supporters of electorialismDecree from the totalitarian mods

This is a reminder that this sub is staunchly opposed to electorialism and both democrat and republican parties. Also any supporters of VAUSH will be terminated on sight. Go worship horses somewhere else.

The German government appointed Hitler specifically to prevent socialism. It didn't matter he never won the election.

A democracy which collapses after a completely normal election isn't a democracy from the beginning.

Pinnedby Lanky-Surround-7082ModeratorπŸ‡¨πŸ‡³πŸ‡§πŸ‡«πŸ‡¨πŸ‡Ί Totalitaran Internationalist πŸ‡»πŸ‡³πŸ‡±πŸ‡¦πŸ‡°πŸ‡΅
Is it possible to enjoy Call of Duty (multiplayer) while condemning its glorification of western imperialism?Discussion

I'm asking for your takes on this. I like the gameplay of shooters, but I acknowledge that most of them are obviously propaganda tools made to recruit malleable teenagers for the Wests geopolitical interests and manufacture consent for its many genocides.

I created a headcannon "Socialist" faction for The Elder Scrolls

So I wrote a backstory for my character in skyrim in which I made a head cannon faction that uses robinhood elements mixed with fantasy guerilla elements. I didn't go super into detail, however if anyones interested I can send a PDF of the story!

You guys excited for Monster Hunter Wilds?

I'm curious how many MH fans there are here. I am so hyped, man

Are there some good hardcore shooters on PlayStation?Question

I'm playing Rainbow Six Siege on the regular but are there some more you can & would recommend to check out?

Can you play as non imperialists in squad?

Alright, so i really dont play military games, but squad looked really fun. The issue is that from what I can tell it is mostly imperialist nations, and ergo imperialist propaganda. Is this true? thoughts?

What's the best place to find leftists gamer friends ?Question

After nuking my twitter it's been difficult to find any leftists gamer to be friends with tbh. I tried bluesky and it's mostly clout chasing and lacks of any gamer presence. I just want to know where's the best place to hang out and discuss games.

Discord server

I saw a recent post that mentioned wanting a discord server, i am an admin on a discord server for leftists its supposed to be a place to chill play video games and have fun, there are areas within it for serious political discussion though. If people here would like to join then here is the link :3


Another Crab's Treasure and its View on CapitalismGaming

I've been playing another crabs treasure and its main villain is probably the most capitalist villain I've seen.

His plan in the end doesn't involve big obvious crimes like most capitalist villains. He just wants to accelerate and prop up the current system which kills people by merely doing currently sanctioned actions, damn the dissenters. He actually gets offended that you suggest violence as in his eyes he's just a businessman doing businessman stuff and I find most interesting of all you have to in game attack him to initiate the boss fight.

I think this is a pretty interesting statement. Capitalists in even anticapitalist games are often depicted as aggressors, doing crimes to justify attacks against them but here the capitalist simply is, he doesn't attack, he doesn't commit crimes, he's depicted as offensive purely by maintaining the system and that is given as reason to attack, not just challenge him in a fight then he comes in swinging, you affirmatively start beating on a guy standing there because he is a capitalist.

and like that's crude but it makes sense. If you are an anticapitalist you aren't mad because (or only because) capitalists don't file their taxes or break environmental laws or even kidnap people. You believe the structure fundementally causes harm by its existence and its all legal. You have to be the aggressor because you can't just hope they'll break a law and hope they become a fair target and because of it the anticapitalist becomes the criminal, law breaker or even breaker of the peace. Seen as an outsider for pushing for change