And if you did, I wondered if you had the same experience I had in that it was one of the worst gig crowds going? Gig itself was alright, but the amount of drunk, middle aged folk acting like selfish children pushing Infront of queues, not paying attention to folk around them and generally being obnoxious was unreal.

I'm not naive, I knew it would be full of drunk folk (been to plenty of gigs with varying, different crowds before) but the difference in attitude between the crowd there and green day last week for example was night and day. Even had an argument with two 60 year old pissed women who spit the dummy because my wife decided to slip past them into a space next to me that they decided arbitrarily must be kept free, instead of just taking up the same space themselves when it was free for the 5 + minutes it was available as she was at the toilet. Also, thankful I had to leave early for a ride home as the queues in the car park later sounded horrific (hearing some folk didn't leave for 2 hours).

Sorry, more of a rant than anything but just wondered if any other souls had the same experience.