When they say NHS "Reform"

This is what they mean . . . Last year we were in East Kilbride on a family visit. My nephew needed to be seen for a sinus infection. Went to an A&E was seen, sorted and on his way, meds in hand no less in like an hour or so, and the part that floored all the Yank cousins, for zero cost . . .

The USA version is quite different. Here, he would have checked in, waited an hour or 8 before being seen. If you have insurance, you'll have a co-pay of anywhere from $50 - $500. Then they "bill" the Insurance company. Whatever they decide to not pay is your responsibility now.

Then off to the pharmacy to fill the prescription. Costs vary. I have an Albuterol inhaler for allergies. Mine costs $10. My son, who has shitty insurance has to pay $125 for the same thing. I take a drug called Skyrizi for Psoriasis. I take 4 shots a year. Each one cost $17K. Thank God I qualified for the assistance program . . . Else I've been a big scaly mess.

The only thing your Tories want to reform is the destination of NHS funding, from helping folks to enriching themselves, Cronies and campaign contributors . . .