Hi everyone, I am looking for some advice.

I'm Scottish myself (lived in Glasgow since I was 9) but I was born in Japan and I'm ethnically Japanese. My cousin from Kitami (city in Japan) is coming over to study at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and will stay with my family and I. She speaks English decently (not great but sufficient I guess) and she asked me how to behave and what kind of local traditions there are. I felt kinda shocked by the question since I always thought there were no real "traditions" or specific etiquette to follow in big cities like London or Glasgow. Because of how metropolitan and diverse they are.

But then it got me thinking. Are there any Glasgow or Scotland specific things that one would not do somewhere else? Something which is only obeyed/observed/heeded here? I can't really seem to think of any outside of the fact that no one bows to each other here lmao

I'm sorry if this question seems silly or obvious or whatever. But I'm interested nonetheless. Thanks.