So I met this Scorpio guy about a month ago we met for the first time two weeks ago and now we are seeing each other again. Things been great so far and the sex been as you guys describe it mind blowing never had so many orgasm in a while but uh to get to the point. Do Scorpio men like when someone is being generous to them (just because it makes them happy no alterior motives ) like not just getting them things only but giving them time attention,making them meals and doing thoughtful things (that’s how I show love) ? I really don’t want to make him feel smothered and sometimes I think I might be doing too much. Other question is how soon is too soon to tell him that I’m in love with him?👀 I’m quite an overthinker and also a big empathetic person I worry how much of a burden I would be by saying it and put pressure on him when there shouldn’t be any rush but I would like to convey how I’m feeling also. I asked him yesterday if he feels like being comfortable and feeling at home is good between us and he said he likes being calm and not stressed with me which is great because I do too. But also doesn’t Scorpios like excitement and sparks and spiciness? Idk maybe I’m rumbling. TIA for the response. 😅