Headcanons✨ When Aiden met Ben as tiny children, he just stared at Ben with blank eyes into his soul, leaving Ben confused, scared asf, and traumatized by it. Ashlyn would randomly say something about the fact that every single person she knows is stupid at the table with her parents as a child and her parents would try to figure out if she’s also talking about them. Logan DOES NOT, like that the texture of some fruits, vegetables, or anything heathy. When his grandparents found out they were questioning everything. Tyler grew up quickly so he was taking care of Taylor and their mom. He got his anger issues at a young age when his dad died so he is yelling, jealous, and sad about not getting much of a childhood. So in reality he’s a big softy with abandonment issues and a lot of his emotions are fake cause he’s putting on a show. Taylor is the sunshine girl with a bunch of stuffed animals in her room and she’s good at being the therapist friend in most groups. When she met the others she felt like she needed to help them but as the group got closer she started forgetting about being the therapist and she started being her own person. She was also a very energetic girl as a child.
Aiden PT2, as he was a smoll boy, he was always trying to be a good kid and always wanted to get attention from his parents. He ended up once yelling at his parents once and he regretted it for so long that he didn’t want to talk about it till he apologized. He was also the “quiet kid” in school, his only friend was Ben and another kid that moved away somewhere else. ✨They all have abandonment issues and they have trauma from the phantoms✨