Schizotypal Personality Disorder

r/Schizotypal8.1K subscribers8 active
Community, Wiki, Resources, Links, and a thread of us sharing our content and thoughts on Schizotypal

Work in progress: So I would like to get a thread going of people who are Schizotypal providing links to any of their content, art, music, psychology videos, blogs, and vlogs. Maybe think of posts in this thread as little user profiles where you share something about yourself, what Schizotypal means to you, and if you want you could share your link or gamertag or whatever.

This top post is just a beginning list of content for discovery, and please let me know of suggestions or edits. Depending on how it goes, we can un-sticky these and make fresh ones with links to the past ones if it made sense.

We already have a great list built right into the subreddit, so here is another link to that: Official Schizotypal Reddit Wiki

Dr. Sapolsky on Schizotypal:

Lauren from Living Well With Schizophrenia on Schizotypal:

Dr. Tracey Marks on Schizotypal:

Art/Writing/Music from people with Schizotypal:

Please link yours in the comments.

YouTubers/vloggers with Schizotypal:

Remember to tell me if you want to be added, removed, or edited. There are plenty of Schizotypal YouTubers I have found, but my hands are tied until they identify that way.

KP Jindrich: A Day in the Life | Schizotypal Personality Disorder (

Universa: @Universaa/featured ( Universa posts here sometimes.

Hinsoog: Hinsoog - YouTube This is me. The world has a crushing psychic weight lately, but, I'm here.

Revelation 101: Revelation 101 - YouTube


Miscellaneous thoughtful mental health resources online:

Folks I think professionals like Patrick Teahan are pretty close to free psychotherapy: Patrick Teahan - YouTube

Crappy Childhood Fairy seems to specialize in attachment trauma, PTSD/CPTSD, and traits some of us will resonate with: Crappy Childhood Fairy - YouTube

Quite a bit of the discussion happening with YouTubers with Autism Spectrum Disorder can be relevant to many of us since many of us have a lot of symptom overlap with it, including a general pool of relatedness between OCD, ADHD, hypomanic symptoms, depression/anhedonia, etc. There are so many brilliant and helpful examples, here is one for now: Autism From The Inside - YouTube

Pinnedby Hinsoog
Today has been one of if not the worst day of my life. I am spiraling quickly and am trapped somewhere and I am afraid that when I get home tomorrow night I may hurt myself very badly.

Please just give me any kind words that you can anything that has helped you before my situation is so hopeless I just need somebody to be nice to me. None of my friends are taking me seriously because I maybe I am upset so often but this is just so much worse and everyone is refusing to listen to me or to help me. I promise that I try not to make my problems a burden for other people too often but it just never ends the terror will always persist this time I am alone and stranded and it is so much worse. Please just be nice to me.

Non harmful/alarming beavior thread (anyone else)

Some things you do you notice others dont

I sit in the dark. Pretty much all the time. I scare people because I'll be sitting in a corner or on the couch in a dark room and someone sees me and gets startled. I'm very quiet I dont like to be heard. I dont make noise when I yawn or smack my lips or groan. I am a very very quiet and silent person.

am i too far gone

i’m almost 22 and still live at home. i don’t have the motivation to do much of anything with my life; i can’t find a job that seems enjoyable or even one that isn’t, i have no friends, i barely do anything with my life. my mother thinks all my diagnoses are bogus. she doesn’t think anything is particularly wrong with me and just thinks i’m “situationally depressed”. she thinks me being on medication is pointless and thinks i just have no ability to do something with my life. she wants to put me on disability. i don’t think i’m disabled but at the same time i have no idea of what to do with my life or how to find the drive to do anything. am i totally past the point of change? i know ending it all wouldn’t solve my problems but it genuinely seems like the only option im capable of, although id probably mess that up too. please reply if you feel similar, have any thoughts, or anything of the sort. i need to know im not totally past anything or if im so pathetic that i shouldn’t even bother


I haven't had any friends for years. Is it possible to quit alcohol?

I made the mistake of drinking last night and now I can’t stop dissociating. What to do?

I got drunk last night, which I sorely regretted once I woke up with the worst hangover headache and nausea lol.

But now I can’t stop dissociating and I feel so out of it. Had some hallucinations last night too.

I feel fine (just physically really) except for the dissociation. I don’t know what to do about that. How can I stop the dissociation? :(

What do you do with life?

So, after spending years accepting myself to be largely disabled when it comes to anything social (and in other ways, to a slightly lesser extent), I've realised that this is actually just the first stage of a much wider problem: what do you (or I, in this case) do in life?

What do you do every day? I can't work and am officially disabled because of this, and I basically can't socialise or socially develop any furhter, but what else am I supposed to do with the time that other people spend doing those things?

I've come to accept that my damned insistence on independence (+ schizotypal discomfort with closeness and paranoia) means that I'll never really be able to have a long-term relationship (and I haven't actually desired one since I was like 15/16, anyway...), and I have interests but too much of an attention-deficit to ever do them. Plus, whenever I do them I never actually experience them as being as enjoyable as I envision them to be because I can't seem to do what other people and step outside of my inner monologue. I'm always thinking, always evaluating. It's boring and not at the same time somehow.

I feel like I just exist in this perpetual state of slumping from whatever was last easiest to whatever is the new easiest way to momentarily distract myself from this overall dilemma. Wake up, do [lazy novelty things] and then go to bed again. I overeat, I get fat, I fall down YouTube holes that i'm not even interested in, I abuse alcohol, I spend my money haphazardly on things that may or may not bring me enjoyment or an improved quality of life. It's a waste but I feel hardwired against things more constructive. I feel fundamentally not designed for this world.

I basically have no autonomy in this world. I might as well be stuck inside a shell, and I think the boredom's driving me suicidal. I need to find some sort of daily purpose or else what else am I here for?

Negative affects with Schizotypal

I will have to look this up later but does StPD have more negative affects of psychosis relative to what's possible or common with other disorders with psychosis prevalent?

I can't accept depression, apathy and anhedonia as part of who I am. It's even worse because these symptoms are so common it's so easy to forget that I'm not dealing with just depression or anxiety etc but there's full blown psychotic delusions happening that I'm acclimated to and still struggling to recognize and process.

Have been trying anti depressants lately to improve the depression and it just makes positive symptoms worse which feels relatively dangerous and unstable.

I'm really struggling with this dichotomy.

Looking for peoples opinions on the giftedness of a comorbity between autism and schizotypal

I saw a article posted here and I also heard of this too but basically the jist is that having both can create a grifted individual. (Schizophrenia being creatively gifted and a focus on people and autism being logically gifted and a focus on things) combining the two sometimes will give a person who is gifted in both aspects. As someone who is diagnosed with both and has been told they were gifted, I find it very interesting and I wonder how others think about this, weather it’s true or not and others diagnosed with both if they’ve been told or think they’re gifted

by RenivaMaStPD, BPD, ASD
Being drunk

Sorry if the spelling is bad, i am actually drunk right now.

Anyway i was drunk for the first time a weeek ago and it triggered my very first dpdr episode that i am still in roday.

When i get drunk i get very honest and either blackmour or remember everything though i am always left with regret the next day.

How do you geuys reacts/getb when you are drunk?

Ow, drop my phone on my face while ending this. Good igth:)

Update: Did not remember writing this, was pleasantly surprised, and also a bit scared, when i saw all the notifications on my phone.

by l0v3lyd0v3lySchizotypal + ADHD
May have multiple diagnosis

I am diagnosed with Bipolar II, and I have curiosity about having autism, giftedness, StPD, ADHD and/or OCD.

I’m off to see a new psychiatrist soon who will hopefully be helpful (boy, has that been a journey, though) 🤞🏻

So I thought I’d pop on here too and see what Reddit armchair experts have to say, cause y’all have lived experiences (which I will, with respect, also take with a grain of salt).

Okay, here’s what I’ve got in my crockpot:

  1. I am highly sensitive to sound and anything really in my surroundings

  2. When I pace myself through the day (ie not use so many spoons in my thoughts, actions, emotional interactions), I’m much less likely to get “burn out” which results in depression and anxiety.

  3. Im pretty secure in Bipolar II diagnosis, have been medicated 10 years and am managing it well. Manic and depressive episodes have gone down.

  4. I have magical thoughts that I’ve learned to temper with the help of talk therapy, better spiritual path(s) for me (Buddhism instead of charismatic christianity). I do still see symbols and make meaning from them and think about how they are directing my path. I’ve learned to take this with a grain of salt though and use it selectively. Occasionally (like once a month) I worry if people can read my mind.

  5. I am quirky, silly, witty, honest, unique…when I am “unmasked” (which I tend to do when around people with whom I feel safe to do so). I say some random shit, not sure if it is lack of awareness of social cues as much as it is a unique way of seeing the world and sudden bursts of silly or creative energy.

  6. I think spacialy, i have a strong sense of imagination. Sometimes people might say I have inappropriate affect cause I get saturated in my imaginative reality.

  7. When I suffered from anxiety the most bit have been in psychologically unsafe situations (around people I feared judged me), I have internalized their judgement as if it were a voice in my head (not audible but like my inner critic). This was very concerning and scary.

Scared I've lost everything and need perspective

My (f19) partner (m21) has schizotypal personality disorder or possibly schizophrenia. I have PTSD. For context, I've been badly abused in previous relationships including an 8 month engagement. My partner is lovely about this and is usually very understanding. We've been through a lot together, including the early death of his stepmother (she leaves behind his half brother, 5). It was tough getting through this, we nearly split up, and he was very obviously not coping- struggling with reality, hallucinations, spirituality, and a lot else. But we got through it. Obviously he isn't healed, it's only been a few months since this happened, and recently he's been slipping again into depression and being very erratic.

In the past, he's ended our whole relationship very suddenly for usually around a week at a time, usually over something like me raising my voice during an argument (which while sometimes I understand I have a difficult temper, I also think arguments are normal). Until now, he's always come back not long after, usually after we see each other face-to-face.

As I mentioned, I have PTSD - this recently got quite bad again, and while I've been trying to seek therapy it is very difficult where I live. One night, a week ago, he was staying at mine and I had a flashback dream where I remembered graphic traumatic memories of being assaulted by an ex partner, who had told me he would "track me down one day", a threat which has always terrified me. Long story short, I woke halfway through, immediately in the middle of a severe panic attack, and hallucinating my abuser's face while I had sleep paralysis. As he moved towards me, I lashed out and backhanded him in the jaw - not hard but enough to sting. There was no mark. I was thrashing around at the time, so I wasn't sure if I even did this on purpose, everything was so absolutely terrifying in the moment. We talked, and while he was shaken up, he told me he understood, and he forgave me because he knew it was not from anger, and I was not myself- I didn't know who was lying next to me in bed.

Things were perfect for the next few days, and he reassured me often he still loved me and we were OK. He then went home to visit his family. We have previously had a lot of problems with him suddenly changing his behaviour when he goes to visit them, specifically about lying to me about getting drunk and ignoring my needs and our plans so he can do this. It's worth noting alcohol seriously affects his medication - he has been given clear advice about this, and it's clear to me when alcohol intereferes with it, but he always denies it has any effect whatsoever. Long story short, he lied about where he was (out getting drunk), and at three separate times asked how i was doing - when I replied that I was struggling a bit that evening, he ignored me for at least an hour each time. I was very upset, and things were very tense for the next two days.

The whole time he was saying he loved me and would do anything to make things right, but then would deny he did anything wrong, and beg for forgiveness. On the second day (Wednesday) of things being very tense, he for a long time that day had been saying again he'd do anything - call whenever I need, rebuild the trust and seek therapy like I had done. Two hours later, I called him hoping to talk and he hung up. Feeling upset, I called him an hour later asking to talk about the relationship and he said, coldly, it was over, telling me "there is no excuse for you constantly screaming in my face and hitting me that time". He brought up old arguments that he himself had accepted the blame for, and it confused me because he said he understood what had happened- I did not know who he was, and feared for my life whilst in the clutches of my PTSD episode. I felt very hurt, and that he was being unfair.

He then made comments about my abusive childhood, again, he knows I was badly mistreated as a child, and called me a liar and that I should just rely on my parents for support - for me, this is not an option. I was so hurt by this my PTSD was again triggered and I started having flashbacks. He knows these very well, so knew what was going on, but hung up the phone and switched it off.

The next morning, he sent me a message repeating what he had said with a hyperlink to the samaritans. Again, I was very insulted by this, and hurt. When I asked if we could talk he told me never to contact him again and blocked me everywhere.

I feel heartbroken and confused, I'm not sure if this is his schizotypal personality disorder/possible schizophrenia making him irrational, especially after alcohol had interfered with his medication. Last I heard, his family had placed him in psychiatric care. I'm also very very worried I've been abusive- I feel sick with guilt, but at the same time I was hallucinating and afraid for my life, something he said he understood and had forgiven me for.

Are things over for good, or does he just need time for his condition to settle down and become less erratic? Or are we done for good? We loved each other, and had planned a bright future we had been working hard towards, it would break my heart to see it destroyed. Am I really abusive?

Edit: I forgot to mention he's now moved back to his hometown for the summer (we are students), and has quit his job where we live. Unless he changes his mind I won't see him until mid-September

Can schizotypal diagnosis disqualify you from certain jobs?

I know there are usually restrictions for schizophenic individuals, but I'm concerned that we're lumped into a negative stereotype that an employer would deem is unsuitable for the job. From what I've briefly read in this subreddit and the schizoid subreddit, nobody has faced institutional barriers to applying for a job due to the disorder.

However, for more sensitive positions such as being in a public facing role in government or information sensitive defense industry role has anyone had challenge in securing that job?

by ArtieThrowaway23Schizotypal
was anyone suspected as autistic at first?

I was put on the waiting list for an autism assessment a year ago and thought 'well this is it I guess'. But there were other stuff I had that wasnt really explained by it, and I also didnt really show signs during childhood. I know autism is a spectrum but I never found an autistic person that understood me. My manager whos autistic himself and really understanding actually pulled me aside at one point and asked if there was something else that was wrong with me (in nicer words). I found out about stpd and it feels like it actually explains everything. I think I'll bring it up with my therapist next time I see him

Fashion is amusing

For context: I typically wear black cargos, fairly simplistic hoodies and sweatshirts. Along with a pair of very very beaten up grey air forces (they have holes and the fabric has worn off in places)

I went out yesterday with my friend, she is very well put together and has a pretty well put together vibe to her clothes. She took me to boots to buy some face stuff she needed. When I went to the self checkout to buy myself some water there was a woman infront of me standing with a bag. I was not sure if she was waiting or not, so I softly pointed and said "are you waiting". She replied "no it's okay, I'm-" this was when she looked at me and she scoffed, or made some sort of weird sound. Like she was very confused as to what she was seeing. She somewhat rambled a few words about her struggle with her phone as I was walking to the till. But she definitely saw something. But I'm not sure as to what she was feeling.

As people have mentioned in the past to me and seem to put into conversation, that people are a skaterboy, builder or this or that. Or they're trying to be this or that. I've found it amusing, because you can't catagorise something that way. It's almost as if they're saying " Please let me perform an image to the world, so that I can feel complete ". Anyway, the content of my character does not "match" how I dress in the slightest and I do find it amusing especially as I no longer play into it.

Should we call mental illness physical illness?

Schizotypal is definitely a physical illness because its a dysfunction of the pre frontal cortex. I think if we call mental illness physical illness it does justice to what the issue really is.

  • diagnosed schizotypal personality disorder
Why is this

I heard somewhere that neurotypicals tend to see things as more beautiful and think that it is good while when I see something as beautiful it is usually a precursor to something disastrous happening.

Extreme paranoia & social anxiety

Only day one of receiving psychiatric help. I haven't been diagnosed yet since it will take several visits to understand the full scope. I told this person I suspect I'm around here. I don't know how to articulate my thoughts. I don't know why. The way I speak is vague and doesn't makes sense. People think I'm strange and treat me like an alien, which is why I avoid them. I believe everywhere I go, any laughter and eyes on me is a threat. I am on guard as always, these every day strangers minding their own business will come after me to humiliate me. I'm having a difficult time even expressing what's going on. The psychiatrist understands why I think I have this.

I don't hold jobs, only had one. I can't get started again because it's not only hard on your average person, it's a brutal target against some of us. It's been like this for several years.

In isolation as a hikikomori, I have to escape but only because it's socially unacceptable to be like this and it's ruining my life. Whoever has the extreme side of this or anything else can hopefully find peace. I am so disconnected that everything and everyone is written into a narrative. So I question if I can hope there's hope, if that makes any sense.

Does anyone else experience sudden violent urges and visions

I have never considered myself to be a violent person and I do not like hurting people but recently (especially in the last few weeks with people mistreating me) I have been experiencing really strong urges to hurt people who are hurting me and I get very vivid visions, for example, very violent scenes of being in fistfights with my dad and beating his face. When this happens it really catches me off guard and it does disturb me. Does anyone else experience visions like these and how do you deal with them

Unexplained coincidences. Am I going crazy?

I will admit that I suffer from OCD and magical thinking, and I often make predictions and fear signs. However, it's starting to get more bizarre, with things happening that seem unexplainable and the timing eerily coincidental. For example, I had a fear that a fire alarm would randomly go off in my house and said it would be a sign from the other side. That very night, a fire alarm went off for no reason, which made me think, "What are the chances?"

Another time, I was at an event with about 200 light bulbs that were off. I mentioned to someone that I had a fear that if some bulbs randomly turned on, it would be a sign from the other side. Five minutes later, three of the bulbs turned on and stayed lit while all the others remained off. It felt too crazy, so I decided to make it impossible by thinking that if a purple circle randomly appeared on my phone or TV, it would be a sign. That didn’t happen, but then I noticed my roommate's phone had a purple circle in the corner of a website they were on. I thought it might just be part of the website, but anxiety got the best of me. I asked to see their phone and went through all the websites they were on, but I couldn’t find the purple circle. Does anyone have any idea what's going on here?