
r/SatoshiStreetBets764.2K subscribers151 active
Solana meme coin discussion LFG!

To the diamond-handed degens of SatoshiStreetBets, welcome to this moon mission briefing: discussion of any juicy meme coins on Solana, as well as Solana itself.

Unless you've been living under a rock you will have noticed that Solana has sky-rocketed in value in recent weeks and there has been a correspondingly epic explosion of meme coins launching on the Solana chain (more info). So we figured we'd chuck up a stickied topic that can serve a focal point for such discussion - if it gains traction we'll keep it around!

🚀 Rules of Engagement

  1. This thread is solely for Solana and it's meme coins. No eth or bnb memes coins.
  2. If you post new Solana launches here, they must have at least $10k locked liquidity. Don't post some shit coin with $500 of liquidity that is likely a rug.
  3. No presales.

The Satoshi Street Bets call channel is live on Telegram. Join: Satoshi Street Bets Calls for the latest Solana gems!

Pinnedby little-eagleModeratorMod
The $SWAP and $SSB claim portals have gone live!

Hi everyone,

Today both the $SWAP and $SSB tokens have been permanently deactivated, meaning you can no longer buy, sell or transfer them. This is in anticipation of our upcoming merger, which will combine these 2 tokens into a single token on Solana! The expected launch is the end of April.

If you are a $SSB holder you can claim your tokens here:

If you are an $SWAPholder you can claim your tokens here:

You will need to create a Solana address using the wallet of your choice, which you enter into the claims website. We recommend Phantom wallet or Solfare wallet. If you enter a custodial Solana address, for example an exchange address, you will NOT receive your tokens. Please use Chrome browser on a desktop computer and connect with MetaMask for the best experience.

You will be prompted to connect your wallet, and will be given a sequence of explanatory steps to follow which concludes in you signing a message to prove ownership of the address you are claiming from. It's as simple as clicking the button and following the wallet interface instructions. It's gas free and costs no money.

We developed these sites in-house, as no turnkey solutions exist for trustlessly migrating tokens from an ETH-based chain to Solana using gas-free message signing.

You have the option to be emailed a receipt of your claim. If this is sent to your junk/spam box, please mark it as 'Not Spam.'

An important note—Chrome is the supported web browser for these sites, and we recommend using MetaMask on a desktop computer, as it is the most robust wallet available. We also support WalletConnect and TrustWallet; however, these may sometimes present issues, which is common across all dApps, including PancakeSwap.

If you encounter any issues, please be patient while we address them. There is ample time before the launch.


Pinnedby little-eagleModeratorMod
Binance's Updated Listing Rules: Key Changes and Potential RWA ProjectsDiscussion 🦍

In the past months, Binance has updated rules regarding token listing to comply and cooperate with regulations. These changes aim to improve safety, compliance, and investor protections on the Binance platform. They are designed to encourage longer-term commitments from projects and reduce risks for investors from the immediate selling of tokens post-listing. The key changes are:

  1. Extended Cliff Period:
    • The minimum “cliff period” before tokens can be sold has been increased from six months to at least one year.
  2. Requirement of Security Deposit:
    • Projects must make a security deposit, usually amounting to several million dollars, which Binance may keep if the projects fail to meet the listing conditions.
  3. Market Maker Allocation:
    • Projects are now required to set aside more tokens for market makers to enhance trading liquidity.

There are a handful of tokens awaiting listing on Binance’s crypto exchange, but here are the ones with immense potential and higher chances of getting listed. Centrifuge (CFG), Landshare (LAND), and Maple Finance (MPL) are the RWA projects likely to get listed and be in a position to take advantage of the event.


I like my comics and this project is ticking boxesMeme 😂

I have always loved my comics so with my interests in crypto this solana meme coin called PEPE WAR 3 has got my attention.

When I first went into the telegram group I could see by the pinned messages that a few of the team members had gained ownership of the telegram from another team member that was sleeping and who had his fingers in other pies so wasn’t active. So with a new owner in freakyjester and his team they had a vision of comics, well like a video comic really with sound effects and background music.

A week later and the first comic drops live on telegram, and new YouTube channel and I wasn’t disappointed, team are already cooking up the next comic and just released the intro as a tease.

With a lot of meme coins just wanting you to buy for no reason, Pepe war 3 are keeping me interested.

What more it’s a low market cap and I got in at 1.5k already up to 4K so I’m making money and looking forward to the comics so can’t be bad.

Let’s see how far they can take this project, it’s early days but all the signs are good and I haven’t had to invest a lot for a decent bag.

Let’s see how far this team can take this ?

Unlock the Future: Cryptocurrency, AI, and Rewards - Grass DePIN Discussion 🦍

🌿 Discover the Path to Green Grass with the Grass Project!

Are you ready to step into the future with a revolutionary blend of Crypto and AI? Join the Grass project - your gateway to the next big thing in technology!


  • Integration of Crypto & AI: Ride the wave of two of the hottest trends in technology seamlessly integrated into one project.
  • Early Adopter Advantage: Be part of the vanguard in an explosive project with early funding and immense potential.
  • AI Knowledge Hub: Witness the evolution of a project set to become a primary source for cutting-edge AI knowledge.
  • No Commitment, Just Resources: Utilize your existing resources with no commitment - a smart way to engage with the future.
  • Exclusive Access with Code: Use referral code SEsneMoIYQS6M3w for exclusive access to exciting features!

Getting Started:

Register: Sign up with referral code (It will give you 5000 points): SEsneMoIYQS6M3w or use the link below to embark on this incredible journey:

Install Extension: Enhance your experience by installing the browser extension.

Connect: Sign in to the extension, and if it says connected, you're already earning points!

Questions or Assistance? Reach out to me anytime; I'm here to guide you through.

Learn More: Dive deeper into the project on our Discord channel and explore our website at

🌱 Join us today and let's grow together with Grass!

AI memecoin play on Solana 100xMoonshot (low market cap) 🚀

TLDR: Devin only has a better narrative than $Turbo

Yet is way cheaper

Thus, market will reprice Devin Higher

Devin is 6m cap

Turbo 600m

So 100x upside from here

$turbo = human dev copying and pasting from chat gpt and claiming it as ai memecoin

$devin = dev is fully AI, made the token, website socials all on its own without human help, partnered with Microsoft, made at Stanford University

Since narrative of Devin is superior, its market cap must exceed turbo’s

The story requires some context:

Devin, is the latest AI Software engineer in the world

If you don’t already know, Devin, can code programs all on its own, and even make websites and read GitHub all on its own

It’s expected to take over software engineers and even take down ChatGPT

So Cognition Labs, the owners of Devin, hosted a hackathon at Stanford University, where they let the uni kids have a sneak peak of Devin

Mind you, no one has access to Devin yet in public right now.

One of the teams asked Devin, to make a memecoin

And it could do so entirely, from start to end, without human help!

It even made the socials, Twitter , website and was able to tweet autonomously on its own as an AI agent

Devin deployed the smart contracts and the coin went live, thus giving birth to an AI memecoin which lets you long both AI and the Memecoin sector 🔥🔥🔥

It also lets you basically long Cognition Labs with each news they release

There is currently only one coin in the whole world made by Devin

Recently, they announced a partnership with Microsoft (no cap)

It means Software developers will use Devin in a widespread manner through Microsoft in the future

Devin adoption is guaranteed

If Devin adoption is guaranteed, it means daily active users of Devin is guaranteed, thus guaranteeing an increase in Devin Valuation

If Devin adoption is guaranteed, and people want to long Devin, and yet they can’t do so through Cognition labs because it’s private

There’s only one current way to long Devin

And we all know the answer

That is through $devin the AI Memecoin on the Solana Cryptocurrency

Cognition labs will one day be 2T on the NYSE no doubt about that

It’s inevitable that Cognition labs will IPO at 2T someday

2T is 2000 billion

So a 1% of 2T means $devin will someday be worth 20 billion MC

Relative to competition, $Turbo and $Grok ran to 100m - 600m with an objectively weaker narrative as they were basically copying and pasting from ChatGPT- the ai didn’t actually make the coin

$devin, however, ai made the coin fully from start to finish as Devin was the dev.

Thus in the short term, $devin will be priced at least 500m to exceed the highs set by $turbo and $grok given its objectively superior narrative.

Infinitely insanely bullish. Despite having big bags, I still feel underexposed to $devin.

Remember, $turbo and $grok went to 600m copying and pasting ChatGPT, i.e a living human had to copy and paste many components while branding it as “AI”.

What should the first AI memecoin that truly made itself without human help be worth? More than 600m.


The ticker is $devin on Solana

CA: 7gbEP2TAy5wM3TmMp5utCrRvdJ3FFqYjgN5KDpXiWPmo


Twitter: @1stsolanaaicoin

Telegram: @devinonsol

Missed out on Shark Cat? BOXXI is here for you!Moonshot (low market cap) 🚀

With a current market cap of around $6000, this is an absolute steal. Same launching place as 'shark cat'; pumpfun! The developer had an earlier project and gained a small following and some trust. In this day and age, to find something cheap based on trust is hard to come by. Better get your bag before even think of fading this one. Some big creators have already taken notice. Be the next!

Searching for 10X/100X Coins: Does Anyone Have a Real Due Diligence Process or Is It Just Gambling?Discussion 🦍

I do have a process, but it’s not foolproof. While memecoins are largely gambling, there are some strategies you can use.

  • First, remember that nearly every KOL/call group is probably a rug group. Be cautious, and this also applies to YouTubers.
  • Getting in early is crucial, but it’s risky since many early projects rug before reaching 100k. Check the token distribution on DEX.
  • Avoid projects where a few wallets hold large percentages. A public team isn’t always necessary, but look at the community: are they active, what’s their marketing like, and what’s their roadmap? Don’t hesitate to ask questions.
  • Some projects might pump and then drop, only to come back stronger. Keeping this in mind, sometimes you need to buy when it seems like there’s blood in the streets. A good example is $WOWWWW. They launched a week ago, hit a 200k market cap, and then dropped to 50k when jeets dumped it. The team didn’t rug, and they’re running competitions and ramping up marketing with KOLs lined up.

There’s blood in the streets, but if you buy/sell like everyone else, you get rekt.

Here's the DEX link:

Give me some Meme coins i should look into... hoping to make some poor decisions that pay off well.Moonshot (low market cap) 🚀

I've been making some sweet gains on PEPE 0x69 on Base, and hope to keep that up as it seems to be exploding today. However, i have a few other MEME coins that i need to cash out of, and gamble elsewhere. Any suggestions on coins with as much potential as PEPE 0x69? I bought some Brett, and its okz but slow. Im looking for more like PEPE with low market caps, but huge potential.

Mollars X AMA Session With BeInCryptoDiscussion 🦍

Hey SatoshiStreetBets,

Yesterday, Mollars had an AMA with BeInCrypto, one of the most trusted crypto news sites. Here are the key points:

Link to the full AMA: Mollars AMA Session with BeInCrypto

  1. What is Mollars?
    • Mollars is a store of value token with a decentralized DEX supporting seven major networks (ETH, AVAX, BSC, POLYGON, BASE, ARBITRUM ONE, OP MAINNET).
  2. True Decentralization:
    • No central ownership. The token and DEX are owned by investors, driven by community interests.
  3. DEX Features:
    • Supports all ERC-20 tokens, manual and automatic airdrops, optimized price aggregation, custom coin addition, custom liquidity pools, and liquidation protection.
  4. Development Milestones:
    • Front-end development: 10 days
    • Back-end development: 7 days
    • Additional features: 15 days
  5. Gamification:
    • Governance and app usage will be gamified for better user engagement.
  6. Community Focus:
    • Plans to attract non-crypto-natives with educational content and user-friendly interfaces.
    • Considering buyback or token burning mechanisms.

Check out the full recap for more details!

Bitcoin MVRV Indicator Signals Potential for Significant Price Increase Discussion 🦍

MVRV Indicator Below 2 Suggests Bitcoin Still in Accumulation Phase

The MVRV indicator is highly accurate at identifying price tops and bottoms for Bitcoin. When the value of this indicator falls below 2 it means that an accumulation phase is still ongoing. It suggests that the price has not yet reached its true value. Consequently, this would represent an opportune moment for investors to accumulate more BTC.

On the other hand, if MVRV goes beyond 2, it means Bitcoin is heading to a new peak. In the past, peaks have happened when the MVRV indicator hit 3.5 or more. When it gets to these levels, investors should begin thinking of scaling out gradually as this shows that they are near or at the highest level.

Bitcoin ETF Inflows Lag Behind, ETH ETF Hype Intensifies Discussion 🦍

GBTC Volume Drops amid the Frequent Bitcoin Outflows for Two Days

In its recent post, the platform pointed out that the net inflow of Bitcoin exchange-traded funds yesterday was $28 million only. As per the company, this development took place on the 29th of this month. In addition to this, SpotOnChain also highlighted the overall positive net inflows of the BTC ETFs. According to the analytics platform, the inflows have been showing an optimistic outlook during the recent twelve days.

Nonetheless, the analytics provider also discussed the negative statistics regarding the Bitcoin ETFs. It brought to the front that the volume of the exchange-traded funds by GBTC and BlackRock has been recently seeing a continuous decline. It disclosed that the last couple of days have witnessed a sheer drop in this respect. The analytics platform moved on to discuss the status of Grayscale Bitcoin ETF.

VOTESHIBA COMPETETION WIN 250K votes (now at $100)Moonshot (low market cap) 🚀

🔥🔥Competition Time🔥🔥

Following on from our massive launch success we now wanted to reward you not only with bigger bags, but also a competition (or 2 😉) This weeks plan is for us to gain more momentun and also, give away a pile of VOTE SHIBA

⚡️Competition 1⚡️



We will be running an invite comp bot. If you link someone into the VOTESHIBA telegram through the bot link in our TG and they join you get 1 point. After 14 hours we will close the count and we will draw 3 winners to see who receives VOTE SHIBA TOKENS


So get as many ppl through the doggy door as your can!


Why I Think VoteDoge Is the Best Play in 2024's Memecoin and Political NarrativeMeme 😂


Hey everyone, 2024 is looking like it’s going to be a wild ride, especially for those of us in the crypto world. Memecoins are blowing up left and right, and with Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs getting the green light, we’re staring down the barrel of another super cycle. Here’s why I think VoteDoge could be the best play of 2024.

Memecoins Are Taking Over

Let’s face it, memecoins are all about fun, community, and going viral. In 2024, this couldn’t be more true. Social media is driving trends faster than we can keep up, and coins like VoteDoge have a real shot at becoming household names. What’s cool about VoteDoge is that it’s not just another joke token – it’s a political statement.

The Election Angle

We all know 2024 is an election year in the US, with Biden and Trump going head-to-head again. Politics has become so extreme that political coins are here to stay, and VoteDoge taps right into this madness but with a twist. It offers a lighthearted escape from the usual political drama. Instead of just watching the chaos unfold, you can actually be part of a fun and engaging movement. It’s a fresh way to be involved without all the stress.

Early Success and Huge Growth Potential

VoteDoge is still new, but it’s already making waves. In just under two months, it’s pulled in about 1400 unique wallet holders and has a market cap of around $1.4 million. That’s pretty impressive for a new kid on the block. If you’re into catching projects early, VoteDoge is definitely one to watch. Here’s where it gets exciting: VoteDoge isn’t just aiming for small wins. The first big target is a $250 million market cap – they’re saying that’s "more votes than Biden and Trump combined." After that, they’re shooting for $500 million, and then the big one – $1 billion. At that point, they’re talking about actually delivering on the promises politicians always seem to miss. The potential here is massive, and it’s not just hype.

Marketing Powerhouse

The VoteDoge community isn’t just sitting back and waiting for things to happen. They’re out there making waves with some serious marketing activities. Recently, they launched billboard ads in hot spots like Las Vegas, Miami, and LA. Imagine driving down the strip in Vegas and seeing VoteDoge lighting up the night – it’s happening!

But that’s not all. The community has also dropped campaign songs on Spotify. These tracks are catchy and fun, adding a whole new layer to the VoteDoge movement. And there’s plenty more in the pipeline, with more activities planned as we gear up for the upcoming election. The marketing push is strong, and it’s bringing more eyes to VoteDoge every day.

Why VoteDoge?

So, why am I so pumped about VoteDoge? It’s simple. The memecoin trend is exploding, and the political scene gives VoteDoge a unique edge. It’s already shown strong early growth, and the goals they’ve set are both ambitious and achievable. Plus, being part of the VoteDoge community is just plain fun.

If you’re looking for a high-potential play in 2024, VoteDoge is worth a serious look. Get in on the action, join the community, and let’s ride this wave together. VoteDoge isn’t just another memecoin – it’s a movement. Let’s make 2024 the year of the Doge!
