People are sometimes rude in this sub. Please don't be rude in your reply. If mocking the post is all you've got, please just scroll on.

Ok: Curious after seeing this post - a lot of people commented on driving in general for all of the cities, but that doesn't really necessarily translate to life pace, being in a rush all the time, acting or being busy all the time, being ambitious in a dehumanizing way, etc.

I moved from metro Boston (very fast-paced, inclined to be short with strangers, and aggressively ambitious culture) to metro Detroit, which has a significantly slower pace, nicer people, and less emphasis on a kind of elitism. (All subjective, obviously.)

Where would you rank Chicago compared to, say, NYC or Boston on those metrics? Compared to metro Detroit? In terms of pace and shortness with strangers and a kind of dehumanizing level of ambition?
