So we see the usual effects today. Shiba has great gains, then dips. Then gains and dips. We hear crickets during the gains, but the second it dips again we see the haters run out jump on there keyboards and start bashing Shiba again.

We had the same garbage during the rise of Dogecoin, which if you pay attention is still doing very well in the .2x ranges.

What we see is day traders using FUD to scare young investors or trick people into selling off with what ever profits they got the day. Then hoping for a big dip to reenter the market.

Here is a free lesson in Crypto. Never sell to cash out. NEVER sell to buy back into a dip. Only sell to change your investment from one crypto to another if you do not plan on ever supporting it again.

By selling you not only take fees, you incur tax liability, you could miss the reentry and now buy back at a higher price...only to now have less coin.

This is a long game, you are buying commodities like silver and gold. The rules are simple. BUY, HOLD, SELL WHEN YOU ARE OUT! Everything else is simply trying to be a day trader.