We will create and publish 400.00 web pages, each on different domain or subdomain. Each of 400K created web pages will have backlink to your YouTube video.

For more info visit: https://www.fiverr.com/seotub/create-400k-youtube-seo-backlinks-and-embeds

When it comes to generating targeted views for your YouTube video or traffic to your main source, let it be a artist page or a products store, YouTube always takes the lead. It's the most popular video sharing platform and it's the frontpage for videos on the web! With Billions of daily views and most of that coming from the US, UK and other popular countries and help from our side you have high chances to generate thousands of leads and conversions.

We use video advertising for ourselves and our customers. Over the years we have established a lot of websites, blogs and pages on Social Media with audience that enjoys watching random videos! Even if you do not get any YouTube views, our service will help you increase your Google search results !
