Roofing, the art of keeping structures dry.

r/Roofing83.9K subscribers16 active
Wanting to start my own business (Advice needed)

Looking to start my own roof/gutter service, mostly looking to do shingle patches and seamless gutters. I'd like to hear advice on basically every aspect ie what tools necessary, hiring employees, getting clients, what to expect

Do you Guys Trust a Kid Who is running a Marketing agency from India ?

Hey Roofers,Mukesh here.I'm from india.I'm working on dream to build marketing agency helping contractors to generate leads & Appointments...But my dream has been crushed due to the negative impression some indian scammers are doing..Last 3 day i had 3 sales call the roofer interested with working me..But once they come to know i'm from india.He said to "I'Don't Trust Indians ".So...I'm facing these types of rejection nowdays.Let me know can i build successful marketing agency from india..

I need your thought on this ....Thanks.