Since the removal of trading I’ve traded in for or unboxed 3 fennecs (I already had TW, sky blue, orange, and default) along with many other items that I used to be excited to get. Now my only option is to trade them in just to get another item I’ll never use. I know epic will never do it but it would be awesome if there was some sort of compensation for getting duplicate items. Something like 25-50 credits every time u receive an import (or whatever weird name they changed it too) rarity or higher duplicate would be awesome. I also don’t think it would lose them much money either considering how it’s still pretty rare to get good duplicate items. I think it could honestly be a benefit to epic too. For example let’s say they gave you an option to get 25 credits for every import or higher duplicate you received. For most players this is only going to add up to 100 maybe 200 credits which isn’t enough to buy any high rarity items. But simply having credits in your balance can motive people to buy the rest of the credits they need to buy an item they actually want.