I’m moving out of my apartment soon and my LL has started having people tour the unit. We have a basement/storage room that has had a rat problem since we moved in and LL has done as little as possible to fix this. I was home for a tour today- as they were about to enter this room I said they should be careful as there have been rats in there and I don’t want anything tracked into the apartment.

After the tour, LL tells me to not mention any problems with the apartment and “if this is difficult” for me then they will ask that I’m not present for tours.

How to proceed? They can’t tell me to not be in my apartment until the lease is up, right? Can they restrict me from talking to prospective tenants?

EDIT- I’m in Pennsylvania

EDIT2- Ok, seems to be some misunderstanding. I’m not trying to prevent my LL from showing my apartment in any way. I am fully aware that they have the right to show it when they want with proper notice. I informed them about the rat issue only in the context of “please be careful not to track feces into my apartment”.

I’m not worried about being evicted. I’m worried about getting my deposit back.