Edit: i am 157cm tall Growing up I was the fat kid. The only fat kid in the class. The bullying was horrible. I tried diets and gave up. I hated restrictions. It was unfair watching skinny girls eat burgers while I ate fruits. I stopped dieting and i went back to binging my favourite food. When i was 17 i got myself in check. I started going to the gym and lost weight. I went from 75 to 60 for 3 months. It was amazing. After that however the weight loss process slowed down. It took me 7 months to get to 50. And to make everything worse i worked heavily demanding job and going to the gym and started missing meals. Still. When i reached 53 i was in healthy weight range. I was still unhappy with my body. Something happened and let’s say i barely ate for months and started taking drugs that made me lose appetite. I went to 44kg. My bones became visible. Still had belly fat. I started taking birth control for 2 weeks to stop my period because i didn’t want to be on my period during the prom. But after the prom i had exams. My appetite increased. I gained the weight back. I never lost it back. Sure i went to 47 again but i want to be 35 or even 30.

During the first year of university i stopped restricting myself(i only didn’t eat when i was at uni thats it) and had no time for the gym. My appetite has increased even though i stopped taking birth control months ago. During holidays i ate so much it’s embarrassing. I gained weight. I barely fit into my jeans. I still do but at some point it was hard to zip them up. I bought them last year.

Now everyone is telling me i gained weight. I don’t like it. People tell me i look better but i don’t like myself. I purposely posted myself on here(deleted the post) and everyone called me fat. What hurt me the most was when someone said “I am the same height 54 kg and i look nowhere like you. You’re probably 65-70kilos.” I never stopped seeing the version of me that was 75kg. This was a punch in the face.

I am so glad i will have the chance to starve myself for month at work. The job is also physically demanding so i will win in this situation. I just want to be skinny. Is that too much to ask for?