Mid January our 2017 RR Sport HSE 3.0 V6 with 82k miles was started up on the coldest day of the year, and after a minute or two the engine started making a pretty horrible clattering sound. Never any issues beforehand, and it was due for scheduled maintenance in another 500 miles.

Initially we suspected it was the timing chain (it was) but things have only gone from bad to worse. Dealer inspection identified engine damage, so that escalated things quickly. Appeal for goodwill to the manufacturer just came back with $28.5k out of pocket (after 30% goodwill) which is unacceptable when considering the value of the truck.

To our dealer’s credit, our service advisor has been amazing, and she’s working on both an appeal to the manufacturer, and some trade in options.

To those with experience, what would you do in this situation? Unless the manufacturer comes back with a very generous adjustment to the goodwill offer, seems like working with sales on a trade in arrangement might be the most practical route aside from trying to sell the husk of our truck for scrap.

Genuinely interested in advice here, thank you.