Hey all,

I recently made the consideration that it may be better for my situation to switch to full electricity rather than using any propane. This would include myself removing the propane heater, propane stove, and replacing the stove with an electric stove and replacing the heater with an electric central heating system.

My reasoning is that I just don't want to have to deal with the problems that I have with my propane system, and I'd rather just have one thing to worry about with the system (gas for the generator) and nothing else.

Additionally, I will almost never be boondocking or without hookups. It won't be until I hit the west coast in ~2 years that I will be relying on boondocking locations, but at that point I should have a pretty solid power system. I plan to get a good inverter, at least 1000ah of 12v battery, and some solar panels to help out over the next few years ahead of that trip.

I know switching out these things will of course heavily change my power draw, but at the same time, I don't really use the water heater, and half my food goes through the microwave. It seems that electric heating and electric cooking are going to be my main 2 drawbacks.

Does anyone else have an all or mostly electric system and experience issues? Is this a bad idea?