So, whenever I see a story recc here, I see a general dislike about harem and whatnot. But as said in the title. My question is about relatiosnhip and sexual content in general.

Are you completely against it? Do you not mind when it's there but you rather it be Fade to black? Or do you not mind explicit scenes at all and will just skip if you aren't interested.

I ask this because I noticed romance seems to not be particularly appreciated in the genre.

Be it pure Prog fantasy or Litrpg, I feel like majority of readers rather have a mc who is generally mostly alone as he grows in power and/or level.

I find this kinda sad? I mean, growing strong for the sake of growing strong is completely valid. Growing strong for survival is necessary. Growing strong in order to not get treated like a slave by some random young master is basically the way.

But isn't it a little lonely when no relationship get formed?

Beyond even all that. Imagining this dude being single minded towards power and basically becoming asexual just make me feel weird sometimes. Like not even asking for much, you could at least kiss a girl or a boy, right?

One example I do like is Azarinth Healer since the Ilea is not a demure woman and she does get laid. It isn't explicit but it's here and it show girl is a human being with desire. A little screwed up in the head sure. But still relatively normal human.

So, let's say you find this awesome story. Mc is badass, well written, story is cool, power system is interesting. You like it but mc get a girlfriend or is in serial monogamous relationship or simply do some one night stand.

Would this put you off ?

What if the woman or man the mc get with isn't some random characters but a secondary character that get developed.

Would you think the character is taking attention from the mc or slowing the mc down?

I would be happy to get some opinions and thoughts of this.

Finally I would also like to ask for recc for stories where mc is not a saint of abstinence. I don't need explicit scenes honestly. Just the knowledge that mc is in relationship.

Finally I hate dense mc who don't get romantic clues. I would rather read a mc who clearly isn't interested at all rather than a dense mc. Dense mc is perhaps one of the worst trope to ever exist.