So I discovered on Monday that my college students had devised a scheme to cheat during one of their final exams.

Without going into details, their strategy could have worked but special circumstances allowed me to discover the deception. In fact, they had two exams on the same day, am and pm. As I had some time in between, I started correcting the papers and saw some complex answers from some students that really surprised me. On closer inspection, I quickly became convinced that the fact that the students knew some of the most advanced information was impossible. Before the second exam, I verbally asked some students about the exam questions, in particular one student to come and write on the blackboard a very complex name that he had written perfectly just 2 hours earlier. None of them were able to answer correctly. During the supervision of the second exam, I quickly identified problem papers, and when the students concerned came to hand in their exams, I asked them a question they should have been able to answered. All failed, claiming sudden memory loss. One told me he couldn't answer because he was “one of those who cheated”. In the evening, I continued my corrections and understood their stratagem, which led me to conclude that about half the group had cheated. Even some of the best students.

I'm disgusted. By a strange coincidence, the courses were being distributed on the same day, and the only course I was offered was with the same group in the autumn. I accepted, but in hindsight, I think I'm going to give it up on that course, or even resign from the College. I've been teaching for just 5 years, and every year I find the students less and less interested. I like the conditions of employment, they are good for my field, but I don't want to be in perpetual confrontation with young adults or become a jaded teacher. Too bad.

EDIT: I wasn't planing on going into details but lol: COMPLETE STORY in a reply BELOW

TLDR: They use Shazam in their web browser to identify music artists and pieces during a listening exam for a music/ear training class. Yes they did.