I know most of us are sick of chatGPT conversations. I certainly am. However, I could really use some advice.

Student A, for whom English is a second-language, submitted a paper that she clearly had help with. It is different in almost every way from her in-person midterm and in-class assignment. It is quite clear to me that it is an AI paper, not just because turnitin's system flagged it as 96% generated by AI but I have also been overwhelmed with chatGPT-authored papers this year and now the signs, for the most part. (Yes, I know that all AI detectors suck. But when the reported use is that high, it leads me to investigate further.)

I haven't met with her yet but when I reached out she asked if her cousin could be part of the conversation since said cousin helped her write the paper. So, even if chatGPT didn't write it, someone else did, at least in part.

My question: do y'all have a different approach for a non-native speaker? It is the end of the semester here and I am burnt out and sick of writing academic misconduct reports in addition to students who keep lying to my face. I would love some help.

Thanks in advance.