
r/Plugy569 subscribers1 active

Welcome everyone, to /r/plugy

This subreddit has existed for over a year now, but has had zero activity up until now. Hopefully we can grow this into a nice little community for users of the Diablo II mod, PlugY.

I am JW357, and have recently been granted ownership of this sub. Some of you may know me from /r/diablo2, /r/pathofdiablo, Twitch, or even YouTube. If you don't know me yet, that's perfectly fine. I hope we all get to know each other quite well!

Please be sure to read the rules in the sidebar before posting.

Pinnedby JW357ModeratorBeardly357
PlugY (and Lootfilter) Installation Help - Windows

I've made my PlugY files publicly available via my Discord. They are in the "plugy-stuff" chat channel. All you have to do is go into the Discord, grab the files, extract them to your desktop, and then follow the short guide I have in the Discord. It's extremely easy, and has helped a couple dozen people setup their files quickly and efficiently, without having to downgrade. I have an install for 1.14 for BNet, and then I have my PlugY files which I play on 1.13c. Please let me know here or Discord if you need any help whatsoever with this process, although most of you will be just fine by following the guide in the Discord.

Another thing included in my Discord is my loot filter. It is technically the BH maphack (I only use it for its loot filter functionality) so I don't advise using it on BNet. But if you're interested in that, just grab the files from the "loot-filter" chat channel and extract to your desktop. Once you have Diablo 2 up and running, open the lootfilter folder and run "BH.injector.exe" as admin. In the dos screen that comes up, I usually type "2." It has instructions with it, though. If you want to configure it differently, there is a website in the Discord that is a guide. Follow it carefully, otherwise you might mess something up (it is easy to do!). But here is the basic setup you'll get with my lootfilter configuration:

  • gold piles less than 1000 aren't visible

  • cracked, broken, etc items aren't visible

  • all potions aren't visible except Super Healing, Super Mana, and both rejuves

  • all gems appear in red font

  • all rejuves appear in purple font

  • Super Healing potions are renamed "HP"

  • Super Mana potions are renamed "MP"

  • small rejuves are renamed "Small Rejuv"

  • full rejuves are renamed "Rejuv"

  • scrolls of town portal are renamed "TP"

  • scrolls of identify are renamed "ID"

  • number of sockets are displayed on item names. format would be "Monarch 4os" as an example (so if you see just a gray "Monarch" on the ground you know everytime

  • it is ethereal with 0os).

  • armor and weapons have vendor price displayed in their names, so you can quickly identify what might be worth vendoring

  • all maphack functionality is disabled

  • Again, that is just how my files are setup. You can change it however you want, or you can keep it as is. I personally think the current setup is perfect, as it removes clutter but nothing which might have some sort of value.

I hope this helps some of you out. My plugy files being in my Discord has saved my butt twice after having to reformat my computer. It is incredibly easy to setup doing this. And the lootfilter... It makes LK runs orgasmicly easy. It's so nice. If you play single player, I highly advise checking it out.

Again, please let me know if you need any help or have any questions.

Pinnedby JW357ModeratorBeardly357
How to make the pd2 uber items also drop in T3 at a low rate.


I play pd2 with plugy, I would like to make uber items drop in t3 drop at a low rate.

Is it possible to do it?

Thanks for the information and have a nice day.

Absolute plugy noob looking for help

I’m a fan of classic d2 gameplay, but I’d like to have the bigger stash, and ladder only items and rune words. I’ve got it all installed and working, but not sure how to go about change plugy settings to get back to most of the original game. Could someone please point me to a link, or especially a text guide for this?


so i've set "NBPlayersByDefault=8" in the "PlugY.ini" file in my Diablo directory but, when i start a game, i get see "players 1" text in the top left of the screen, suggesting it hasn't worked?


recover deleted plugy account is this possible?

I deleted my plugy account months ago , i was curious if its possible to recover it . I tried some recycle bin recovery tricks with no success , i downloaded d2 + LOD 1.14D with plugy survival , i have it operating in windows mode running smoothe with 1 old character of little value to me still there in my single player account. I am more interested in my high level characters which had all my finds if possible , i am using anyrecover software which recovers "deleted files" since your PC doesn't actually delete them , i see files coming up from 2020 and 2019 showing the names plugy or diablo ll , a bunch of them , i am not computer savvy to be honest , i saved them , i tried copying them into the new plugy folder , i don't know what i'm doing really , i'm just doing my best .

I wonder if someone else with more wisdom knows how to recover the characters and items? if its not possible , its not a major issue for me , i just thought it would be cool if it somehow was recovered .

Shared Stash Error

I'm playing Project D2 single player using Plugy and recently had to reinstall d2, project d2, and plugy because of "error: unhandled exception" crashing the game every time I would enter a red portal. The unhandled exceptions have gone away, but now my shared stash opens to page 86428909 and the navigation buttons will not take me to a lower page number. If I add more than one item, the first item disappears and only the second item remains. Has anyone seen this before?

PlugY 14.03 modding, unique mobs amount halved

I wanted to make my D2:LoD like D2R in terms of runewords, area levels and some skill synergies. I increased area levels to 85 for current D2R 85s - it works fine, but I noticed that modding most likely have caused bug of unique mobs density in some areas. For example, my druid's hell mausoleum gets 2 champion packs (instead of 4 or 5) with players3. Other configurations (p1 and p8) spawn correct amount of 4-5 packs. I tested mod+p3 like 5 times and it's consistent for that character (my other chars have it correct).
When I run PlugY without -direct -txt command, number of unique mobs in my druid's hell mausoleum is correct.*

Also (though after 1 tryout), Abaddon had 2 unique mobs as well (instead of 3-4).

Did anybody else encounter the same bug when modding PlugY?

D2:LoD version - 1.14d
PlugY version - 14.03

*- interesting fact that can warn other fresh modders - I had Pattern runeword on my assassin and after opening un-modded D2 and then modded, whole claw with this runeword disappeared and I'm unable to recover it. Thankfully it wasn't Plague or Mist.

Shared Stash Item Pack file

Since i want to do some testing with different item builds etc iam looking for a shared stash file with all set/unique items and good rare/crafted items but couldnt find any. Anyone knows where i can find one or will i have to use Hero Editor?

PlugY and D2R compatibility?

What would happen to a char from plugY to D2R?

Issue with PlugY 14.03

Hi, can't the latest PlugY version reads files with the -direct and -txt parameters? I made a few changes to the original files and it works with the old version 11.02 and the game unmodified, but I don't see any changes to the latest one. Any suggestions?

Edit: I found the solution:

Plugy's drop rate same as ladder?

Like i said,please help me understand,thx


Hello everyone,

As I'm sure many people have done, I've felt the need to reinstall Diablo 2 since I played the D2R beta just to sooth the itch it caused in me ^^.

So I now have a sorc and a pal both trying to farm hell Mephisto, but 2 things bother me very much, and I wanted to know if it was the result of a patch in PlugY, PD2, or Diablo 2 itself.

First thing is the council that is sitting right on top of Mephisto, no matter how many times I generate a map, which makes pulling quite messy at times, and wastes quite a bit of time.

Second thing is the "moat trick" for sorceress. I've tried it like 20 different times trying different things but failed every single time, Mephisto just crosses the river and that's it, I'm effed in the b.

Do you know if those things are the result of a patch of any kind ? Or am I stupid, which is also I possibility, I guess.

Edit : I've tried to search the internet for answers but couldn't find any...

Is it possible to add ctrl+click to move items in plugy?

Hello, I want to know if there is something to make it possible to move my items with ctrl+click or shift+click between containers?

If so, what do I need to do this?

How can I port my PD2 char to PlugY so I can practice D Clone fight?

Hey guys!

So I built a smiter pally up this season for Ubers and D clone. I got solid gear and even saved up for a Last Wish PB within the first few weeks, I totally trash Uber Tristram with no problems, don't even use juvie potions.

But my goal is to kill D clone for the first time ever. I went up against him 4 times, and got DESTROYED. Buying PDE's PES's and BSS isn't free and I want to practice the D clone fight with my exact character from PD2 Bnet on PlugY.

Do any of you guys know how to bring my character over to PlugY?

Game causes computer to freeze.

I installed the latest versions of D2LOD & PlugY for the first time, and during random times it keeps freezing. Have to turn the computer off, and then back on. Didn't have this issue in regular D2LOD.

Plugy for D2R

Has there been any word about Plugy (or other mods) for D2R single player?

Personally with only 3 smaller stash tabs and no way to easily Respec (yes, mods have spoiled me), not sure if D2R is worth getting.

"This site can’t be reached" refused to connect.

Why? What is happening?

Transferring characters to updated version

Is there a way to transport my 1.13 characters to the 1.14 version?

Using mods with PlugY

I've posted this on r/diablo2 and didn't get much help, so I thought it would be best to go here:

I've been trying for a bit to get a few mods to work with PlugY, specifically from this site: Mainly just singleplayer stuff like fixing the 5's looking like 6's, more balanced leveling, balanced drop rates, etc. To install some of these I have to add "-direct -txt" to the target for a shortcut to game.exe. From one of the readme's:

"Just extract this archive to your Diablo 2 directory and then (if you haven't already) create a shortcut to game.exe and add " -direct -txt" (without quotes) to the shortcut's target field. The resultant target should look something like this (with quotes):

"C:\path\to\Diablo 2\Game.exe" -direct -txt"

I've gotten them to work with vanilla, so I know I have installed them correctly. How would I get them to work, if I can at all, with PlugY? I tried to make a shortcut to PlugY.exe and add -direct -txt to it, but it has no effect. I am probably missing something so if anyone can help me out, I'd appreciate it.

Is there a way to withdraw less than ALL of the gold from shared stash?

Every time i need gold from shared stash, I withdraw, buy what i need, forget to put it back, die, and lose shit tons, if not all of it. I know it's not hard to grind for gold, but I forget this EVERY FUCKING TIME. MY MIND IS A FUCKING BLACK HOLE.
I couldn't seem to find any hotkey or way to do this, so does anyone know something I could do?

How do I run plugy with no sound?

I have been struggling with some slow s&e times, and I would like to try to solve this. Setting the plugy with -ns doesnt seem to work, and there is no ini option I can see that enables me to start the game with -ns. How can I do it?